•22 | Kunal's Birthday

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Aishwarya took a deep breath, her nerves still fluttering like butterflies in her stomach. She had to tread carefully, choosing her words to keep the true nature of the trip concealed. Aniket and Shivika sat attentively, awaiting her revelation.

"Mom, Dad, I—actually not me but niharika was thinking of planning a surprise for Kunal's birthday next week," she began cautiously, her eyes avoiding direct contact. "Niharika suggested a short two-day trip to make it special, and I wanted to seek your permission."

Aniket and Shivika passed knowing glances as he nodded approvingly, "A surprise trip for Kunal? That's a lovely idea, dear. It's good to keep the spark alive in a relationship."

Shivika smiled, "Of course, sweetheart. You have our permission. It's important to celebrate such occasions."

Aishwarya sighed inwardly, relieved by their positive response. "Thank you, Mom, Dad. I really appreciate it. Niharika and I will make sure to be back in two days."

Aniket chuckled, "Take your time, enjoy the trip. It's essential to have some fun in life."

As Aishwarya prepared to leave, Shivika couldn't resist a teasing remark, "Any special plans for the trip?"

Aishwarya blushed slightly, "Just some quality time together, Mom. Nothing extravagant."

Aniket winked playfully, "Well, make the most of it. And don't forget to bring back some good memories."

Aishwarya nodded, hiding her smile. "I will, Dad. Thanks again.

" But let us tell you, once you get back home even we have a surprise for you. ", Shivika said making Aishwarya's eyes widened in surprise as she turned back to face her parents. "A surprise for me? What is it?" she asked, curiosity tinged with excitement.

Aniket and Shivika exchanged a knowing glance, their smiles widening. Aniket leaned forward, a twinkle in his eye, "Well, beta, we thought it's about time we give you a surprise too. But you'll have to wait until you return from your trip."

Shivika added with a mysterious smile, "Patience, Aishwarya. It's something special, just like the surprise you're planning for Kunal."

Aishwarya couldn't contain her curiosity, but she respected the element of surprise her parents were weaving. "Alright, Mom, Dad. I'll patiently wait. Thank you for everything."

As she headed towards her room to pack for the trip, a mix of emotions swirled within her. The excitement of planning Kunal's surprise blended with the anticipation of the mystery her parents had hinted at. Little did she know, both surprises were destined to make this week unforgettable—a tapestry of love, family, and unexpected joys.The night air wrapped around them as they sat on the balcony, the soft glow of city lights creating a serene backdrop.


Kunal was working in his room, the papers scattered around on the table, the room dimly lit, letting him only see the words printed on the papers and the screen of his laptop.

Juggling through both school and the company had become a hard task. And that caused him numerous sleepless nights and dark circles.

It was around midnight, when he heard some noises from his living room. Initially he ignore but later when the noises increased he coudnt help but stand up and take a look outside. But as soon as he opened the door, he was welcomed with a loud "Happy Birthday". He looked at Aishwarya dumbfounded before the smile found his lips.

"How did you even come here? That too in midnight??", Kunal asked her.

"I shouldn't have come?", Aishwarya raised a brow.

"No.. I mean I'm glad you came—but", Kunal was cut short by Aishwarya, "Shut up Mr Rajawat.. It's your birthday.. I wished you at sharp twelve and instead of showering me with hugs and kisses, you are investigating like a CID officer??", Aishwarya crossed her hands.

Kunal threw his head back, laughing,before his hands travelled to her waist, pulling her closer.

" So, you want me to shower you with hugs and kisses? ", Kunal smirked.

Aishwarya bit her tongue Shit, you are outspoken Aishwarya!!

"Aa-that's not what I meant—", Aishwarya fumbled.

Kunal laughed at her before embracing her.

"Thank you very much. This was unexpected!", Aishwarya smiled at Kunal's words

"There's the cake.. I brought it for you! Let's cut it!", Aishwarya exclaimed, dragging him towards the balcony.

As they cut the cake together, they savored each bite. The atmosphere was charged with an unspoken connection, and Kunal couldn't help but gaze at Aishwarya's lips with an intense longing.

Finally, unable to resist any longer, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a fervent kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they shared a moment of both sweetness and passion, the taste of cake lingering on their lips. The city below continued its rhythm, oblivious to the private celebration unfolding on that balcony.

As they pulled away, a shared smile spoke volumes, and the ordinary balcony became a haven for stolen moments and whispered promises. The night held a magic of its own, leaving Aishwarya and Kunal with a memory etched in the quiet simplicity of a shared kiss under the starlit sky.Kunal grinned, his eyes still filled with the warmth of their shared kiss. "Your lips taste like chocolates," he remarked playfully.

Aishwarya chuckled, "Well, blame it on the cake. I guess I didn't wipe it off completely." They shared a laugh, the sweetness of the moment lingering in the air.

As the night embraced them, they moved to the swing, wrapping themselves in a cozy blanket. The quiet rustling of the night accompanied their shared warmth. Before long, Aishwarya noticed the time and got up.

"I have another gift for you," she announced with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Kunal raised an eyebrow, "Another one? What is it?"

Aishwarya smiled, "We're going away for two days. Pack your bag."

Kunal hesitated, "Away? Where?"

She shrugged, "It's a surprise. Just pack your bag, trust me, you'll love it."

Kunal smirked, "I'm not sure about this. I have work and—"

Aishwarya interrupted, "No buts. I already know how you are. That's why I'm taking charge." She headed to his closet, grabbing a mix of clothes and tossing them into a bag.

Kunal protested, "Hey, those are my clothes! What if I don't like where you're taking me?"

Aishwarya shot him a playful look, "You'll like it. Trust me. Now, finish packing while I grab a few more things."

As Kunal sighed, half amused and half resigned, he couldn't help but appreciate Aishwarya's spontaneity. Little did he know that this unplanned getaway would become a cherished chapter in their story, filled with surprises, laughter, and the simple joy of being together

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