•1| Aishwarya Sinha ~ The Boss Lady

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Thank you, Navya, for the beautiful aesthetic❤️

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Thank you, Navya, for the beautiful aesthetic❤️


Author's POV:

The classroom buzzed with the energy of students, all around 16 years old, engrossed in their books. Some diligently memorized the topics, while others worked on solving question papers. Within the classroom, three doors stood, and near the first door, the vigilant class monitor discreetly peered out.

"Guys!! She's here!" exclaimed the class monitor in a hushed voice, swiftly settling into her desk and opening her Chemistry textbook.

As soon as the words escaped her lips, the once noisy classroom fell into complete silence. Only a few whispers and the gentle rustle of books could be heard.

It was Friday, and the first class was Chemistry. Means Aishwarya ma'am's class!

They knew she was going to get furious if even one of them made any disturbances today. After all, she's coming to show their first summative exam's answer sheets. And all of them were sure to get punished since none of them did that good in the previous examination except for the topper.

The entire class rose to their feet as their teacher, Ms. Aishwarya Sinha gracefully entered the room, holding two attendance files in one hand and grasping a golden-colored pen in the other.

Aishwarya Sinha, a remarkable Chemistry teacher at Kolkata Government High School, exuded grace, intelligence, and confidence. Her presence commanded attention, leaving no doubt about her exceptional qualities. When she entered a room, all eyes were drawn to her. Aishwarya's sharpness and unwavering self-assurance made her an unforgettable figure in the school. Students and colleagues alike admired her for the knowledge and charisma she brought to the classroom. She was truly a force to be reckoned with!

If anybody had made up assumptions about her being the most strict and hot-headed person, then they would be absolutely wrong. Aishwarya Sinha was anything but the typical strict teacher. She had her own unique approach when it came to dealing with people. The one thing she couldn't stand was indiscipline.

She had always wanted her students to be good humans first. But negligence in studies was something she loathed. She believed one should do whatever they are doing with dedication and devotion!

If you are devoted to whatever you are doing, then success is a step away.

Like a ray of sunshine, she brought brightness wherever she went. No student or teacher wanted to be on her bad side, as they knew better than to provoke her. Aishwarya's presence was a constant reminder to everyone to maintain order and respect in the classroom. She had a way of keeping things in line without losing her warm and radiant spirit.

"Good Morning Ma'am", The students said in unison.

Aishwarya nodded and greeted them back, taking a seat on the chair as she kept the files on the table.

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