Comenzar desde el principio

"It's either I'll book an appointment or you'll accept this." You handed him your card that has enough balance to the price of his leather shoes. Rindou put one of his hands inside of his pocket and titled his head.

"Missy here isn't humble."

You furrowed your brows at what he just said. You look behind you just in case someone will recognize you.

"I'm paying you and being humble right now is not the case here."

Rindou licked his lips and nodded his head. Sassy as expected. That attitude never changes. Rindou took the card from your hand. You're just staring at him while your brows are puckering.

"Now that you're here, I want something from you," you sternly said. The latter mockingly looked at your beautiful face.

"Oh, I might already know about it." No one's around the parking area that's why you faced him.


Rindou cut you and said, "What can I get then?"

As expected. You pursed your lips and think about something that can satisfy him. Aside from a lot of money, that's the only thing you know. You stared at his droopy and cold eyes.


Rindou rolled his eyes. Then the latter just left you just like that. He left you alone in the parking space.

"What the!" You hissed as you watch his back. You walk a little. "Is there anything you want aside from money?"

Rindou stops and looks at you from a distance.

"If you want information, then I want as well an information. I don't need your money."

"I don't know what information you want to know but yeah, I'll go for it."

Rindou then suddenly walks slowly to get near you. His cold eyes bore into you as if he were going for your soul. You just stared back at him blankly.

"In two conditions."

"A condition? Isn't that too absu--"

In a swift move, his long finger went to shut your mouth. He puckered for a second before he continued.

"I would never spill a word where anyone can hear us." Rindou steps backward a little from you then he looks around calmly while his both hands are in his pockets. "You go to my place, or I go to yours."

Your brow rose to what he just said. Seriously?

You suck the inside of your cheek. There's no guarantee for your safety if you just agree with his condition without a thought. There's still a chance that you'll get killed especially getting involved in the most wanted syndicate in Japan.

"No," You sternly said. "I'd rather die than have you in my place simply because we can check in to random hotels."

That would be a wise decision and the easiest way.

"Wanna hear my last condition?"


"I will only answer you twice, that same goes for you."

You irked at him. He's too much for a criminal and a traitor. Since he also has conditions on his mind, you also have yours. It's already enough as long as you get valuable information until you get closer to Mikey.

"I also have mine... You are not allowed to touch me and whatever happened to this deal, it should be only between us."

Both of you agree with your conditions and exchanged contacts. You know that this is dangerous but this is the only way. You could have gone for Ran, but that's impossible. Rindou might have changed and moved on from his past nor mad at you, he can't possibly hurt you without even thinking.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐘 | 𝒉. 𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒖Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora