- Chapter Twenty-Five -

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"Mother?" She raised an eyebrow as she tried not to gape at the disgruntled appearance of the woman before her. Her hair had grown past her shoulders and the roots shown a brown color. She seemed to slur her words the more she spoke.

"My sweetheart, it's been so—hiccup—long."

"Mother..Odalia. What is it you need?" Amity cut straight to the point, already tired of dealing with her mother.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing..I just..how is Luz? How are you?"

"I'm fine mother and I don't see what my girlfriend has anything to do with this."

"Girlfriend?" Odalia seemed to forget herself as she snorted but quickly recovered. "Yes, yes, I'm so sorry for embarrassing you."

The purple-haired teen tapped her foot aggressively. "If you don't need me for anything other than to babysit you, I am going to leave."

"Fine." The woman quickly sobered up. "I need money for more drinks."



"Go get a job, Odalia." She seethed. "And do not ever refer to me as your daughter."


She felt her strong demeanor crumple as soon as she entered the car, falling into the arms of her girl. She felt the tears run down her neck, staining both of their sweaters as she sobbed, and sobbed. The sobs were so endless they almost seemed to turn into white noise even to herself.

She felt like a baby again, those babies that you see abandoned by their mothers at the fire station with no one to take care of them. "Shh, it's okay, amor." Luz smoothed down her hair, lifting her up so that she was now in her lap. "Tell me what happened. It might help you feel better."

"I—Oh, Luz." She sobbed. "She didn't even want to see me! She just needed money! Money!"

The Hispanic frowned as she rocked her hysterical girlfriend back and forth as though she were a toddler. "Did she say anything else?"

"She tried to ask how you and I were but it was all just fake..she just wanted my pity in order to get some money now that dad cut her off. She's so cruel, and horrible and," Amity felt her throat closing up, "I'm exactly like her. That's why Willow won't forgive me, Luz. I am her."

"No, you're not. If you were than I would not be here, holding you." She smiled softly. "But I do think that being critical of yourself can be beneficial but sometimes..we're too critical."

"You think I'm too critical?" She sniffled, looking up.

"Of yourself, yes," Luz wiped her bangs behind her ear, "you're absolutely wonderful and I think it's time you realize that."

"But how? How will I ever overcome this?" She snuggled into the other's chest, the smell of vanilla calming her.

"I did some research after your fainting spell." Luz scratched at her neck, a nervous tick. "I kind of..well, I think therapy would be good for both of us. Separately, I mean and then, in the future, possibly together."

Amity furrowed her brow. "You think I'm crazy?"

That forced a hysterical laugh out of Luz before she calmed herself, kissing her girlfriend on the nose. "No, silly, I think that other people are which is why we both need it. I think it would just be good as well to have somebody else to rely on. I love that you can speak to me, babes, but it isn't always convenient. I might not be able to be there sometimes," She whispered, "even when I want to be."

Amity nodded slowly after a minute. "I—..maybe."

"I'll make a group appointment for Monday if it will help you go?" Luz offered as she held her tighter.

"Yes..please but..all I want right now is you." She smiled as she kissed her girl, laying herself down onto the seat and forcing Luz down with her.

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