Viking for Hire

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Hiccup (v.o.): Everybody needs a place in the world. Some people are born to theirs.

Stoick: Raise the main sail! Turn her toward starboard!

Viking: Aye, sir!

( Hiccup and Toothless bond for the first time when Toothless allows Hiccup to put a hand on her snout and became a beautiful girl.)

Hiccup (v.o.): Some people discover theirs.

(Cuts to the days of kill-or-be-killed. Gobber is making weapons and bringing out a whole wagon-full for everyone.)

Hiccup (v.o.): And some people make a place for themselves.

Gobber: Grab a weapon! No time to be choosy!

(Gobber faces off a Monstrous Nightmare, while everything in the village goes amuck.)

(Cuts to the present. the rising sun to Gobber's smithy, where he is forging a sword, but realizes that there's no point anymore.)

Hiccup (v.o.): But then the world around them changes, and the place they made is gone.

(The Teens are gathered in the new Berk Dragon Training Academy, where Hiccup is quizzing them on dragons and toothless is keeping score. The Teens are split into two teams: Astrid and Fishlegs on one team, then Snotlout and the Twins.)

Hiccup: Every Dragon has its own unique abilities that give it its special place in the world. Which dragon makes the best welding torch?

Astrid: Oh! Deadly Nadder!

Fishlegs: Its magnesium flame burns with the heat of the sun!

Hiccup: Correct! Point to Team Astrid.

Toothless: the genius now have 100 and the mutan heads have 10.

Astrid: And you started with 10.

Tuffnut: Oh, yeah? Well, the game's not over. Wait, what team am I on?

Toothless: it is over it goes to a 110 and they need one to and you need 100 to win.

Ruffnut: oh, darn

Hiccup: Next question. What is the shot limit of a Hideous Zippleback? Team Snotlout.

Astrid: I don't think they can count that high.

Ruffnut: Oh, really? Let's find out! Barf! Belch!

(Barf and Belch shoot six fireballs at the other team; Astrid and Fishlegs barely manage to duck in time.)

Tuffnut: Looks like it's about three. (Holds up only two fingers)

Ruffnut: Told you we could count that high!

Hiccup: It's six. You were half-right. Five points.

(Toothless add 5 making it 15 to 100)

Ruffnut: Yes! We're up to 30! (Ruffnut high-fives Snotlout and Tuffnut)

Astrid: (Competitively) Alright, it's our turn. What happens when you shoot fire at the owner of a Deadly Nadder? (She whistles for Stormfly, who shoots her tail spikes at the other team, pinning them to the wall, unharmed)

Tuffnut: No fair! She didn't give us time to answer!

(Snotlout jumps down from the wall.)

Snotlout: I've got a question. What happens when I sic Hookfang on you?

Hiccup: Okay, guys, that's enough training. So... we did some really good work here today.

Snotlout:Prepare to face the Monstrous Nightmare!

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