Sherlock looked lost for a second, then cleared his throat, shifting to flick the kettle back on again, it seems to have finished boiling and got a bit cold in all that time. "I do apologise, we got carried away. I'll make the tea now."

Well, she thought, this is a disaster.

John continued to stare at the pair as if they had both grown extra limbs. Sherlock raised an eyebrow back. "My mother was watching us." He whispered harshly.

"Not sure she was."

"She was."

"Not for that long."

Sherlock rounded on him. "Can we help you?"

John shook an empty mug at him. "Was coming for another cuppa."

Sherlock took the cup, glaring daggers at his friend. "Like I said, I'll make it now." Eve offered Sherlock an anxious smile, and he returned it easily. "You can go sit down if you like, I'll do this."

"Nothing like team work though."

John slowly backed away from the pair, who seemed to suddenly forget he was even in the room at all. Mary will be so pissed she missed that.


Sherlock bent at the waist to press a kiss against her quickly, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes. "You okay?" She nod. "I'm going to mingle." He looked uncomfortable with the word, expression forming a grimace. "As I've been told being antisocial with ones family is rude."

She scrunched up her face fondly. "Is a bit."

"Hm." He closed the gap between them once more, lingering longer this time. Her mouth opened slightly under his as she relaxed into him. Then he pulled back, grinning at her. "If you need anything, find me. I won't be far."

Evelyn was full on beaming up at him. "Mary is with me, I'll be fine." Sherlock suddenly looked tense, glancing at Mary sitting opposite Eve. It appeared he'd forgotten she was there.

Mary wiggled her fingers at him with a smug smile.

Sherlock cleared his throat. "Sure you will." His hands seemed to itch at his sides for a moment, then he quickly turned and walked away.

Mary snorted at his retreating back. "Honestly, I want to bash your heads together."

Evelyn frowned. "What have I done?"

"You're not silly, Evie. Come on." When all Mary got in response was a blank stare, her eyebrows drew together. "You really don't see it?"

Before she got the chance to respond, Violet Holmes appeared from nowhere, handing Eve another glass of wine. "Oh, thank you."

She set one on the table for Mary, pulling a chair out and joining them on the patio. "I've got to say, Evelyn, I have never seen my son look at anyone or anything like that." She says.

"Sorry, what?" Evelyn watched Mrs Holmes cautiously, sipping the drink forced into her hand.

"The way he looks at you. It's truly something else. I never thought I'd see the day." The two younger women were waiting for her to elaborate. "Have you never noticed?"

Eve's head shook. "How does he look at me?"

"Oh, Evelyn. That boy looks at you as if he only gets to bask in sunlight when he's within your gaze. I saw it this morning, when you came back to join us at the dining table, the moment you walked into the room his entire demeanour changed. He sat up straighter, his eyes softened, he smiled without even realising he was doing it." She took hold of one hand. "I never imagined Sherlock would settle down but when he looks at you... I've never seen so much love in someone's eyes."

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