"They could only afford to spare a room for us and there's only two beds" Frieren explained

"So? Both of you share a bed while I take one" Y/n said but both girls glared at him

"Fine whatever"Y/n said storming out

"Where are you going?" Frieren asked

"None of your business"Y/n said as he slammed the door


"Hey do you have any booze" Y/n said as he walked into a bar

"Yes sir we have some sake" The bartender responded

"Great" Y/n said

Next day

Y/n watched as Frieren unsealed Qual

"Frieren how many years has it been"


"Only a mere 80 years huh"


"Huh? You over there" Qual said pointing at Y/n who looked uninterested


"Aren't you Y/n that little brat"

"So what?"

"Watch your tone boy do you wanna get beaten again" Qual taunted before looking towards Frieren

"What about the demon king?"

"We killed him"

"Well then I shall avenge him"

"You hear that brat, The demon king is dead"

"Yeah so?"

"Isn't he your-

"Shut up!" Y/n cut him off

"Fern, cast a defensive spell" Frieren said as Qual fires off an attack but it got blocked by Fern

"Y/n kill him" Frieren ordered

"Huh? Do it yourself" Y/n said displeased by Frieren's tone

"Not like he could kill me, should I remind you about 300 years ago Y/n" Qual said

"Fool, that was three centuries ago" Y/n said stretching his muscles

"So? Will you kill him for me" Frieren said


"Cocky little brat" Qual said firing off an attack at Y/n but he slaps it away making Qual and Fern go wide eyed

"He slapped it away" Qual thought

"See you in hell Qual, I'll pay you one last respect I'll kill you with your own technique " Y/n said

"25% Zoltraak" Y/n said as a large beam charged up and fired through Qual killing him and destroying the whole part of the island he was standing on, it wasn't just an attack it was like an eraser

"25 percent?" Frieren thought to herself as she watched him walk away and stopped next to her

" I killed him, how about dropping the distaste a little" Y/n said

"You Demons only know speech to deceive, I'm not dropping my guard" Frieren responded

"Yeah, you're probably right" Y/n said walking away

Time skip

"Thank you,Frieren" The old man with the straw hat said as he held Frieren's hand

"That straw hat, it looks familiar" Frieren said Y/n just walked away due to pure disinterest nothing more.........he took one more gaze at Frieren's hand which was being held by the old man before walking off again.

Yeah nothing more...............

To be continued............

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