We Are The Five Warriors

Start from the beginning

He got ignored that he was been doing a silly dance for the third time and fall himself down animated way.


Krillin is getting really annoyed had enough looking at his dance.

Krillin:Stop dancing...


Fortuneteller Baba:Hm?

Krillin:...and fight! (Yelling)

This time it's serious. Krillin is the first one to charge towards his opponent with a flying kick. But he dodge by jump himself in the air transforming himself into a bat


Goku:He's turning into a bat again. Vampires sure have some lucky transformation to get his own opponents away from getting hit.

Sakura:Sure. Flying himself away some sort of a defensive tactics which is why I don't understand.

Yamcha:Me neither. But his up to something.

Now that his on bat form, he dive down acting himself as an airplane towards krillin.


The bald monk fighter moves out of the way looking at his opponent with surprise. He fly up in the sky and once again, dive down again at him.


He tried to catch him using both of his arms, but he missed him that he moves so fast. Fangs do it again by zipping the area.


Tried to hit him with his punches and kicks fast few times, then he got tired catching his breath.


Yamcha:Calm down, Krillin, and breathe. You must concentrate On his movements. Focus!


Once again fangs on his bat form dive down straight at Krillin.


He was almost close, then the bald monk fighter attacking him with his fist but he missed it makes him frustrated.

Krillin:Hold still!

The vampire flies up and doing the same thing over again while he mockingly laughs at him.


This time he reverted on his human form dives down right behind krillin.


Goku:Behind you!

Sakura:Move out of the way, krillin!


Yamcha:Look Out!

He was diving right behind him while his opponent was distracted. In slow motion, krillin was to late to dodge. Fangs successfully hugs him from behind not to let him escape.


Krillin:Whoa! Get off of me! Let go!

He opened his mouth showing his sharp white teeth while it drools a lot.


All Five:(Gasps)


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