Start from the beginning

Today Maha's morning sickness became more worse than all the other day, Ayman was already starting to get worried because of her constant vomiting and he said they would go to the hospital once he came back from the office. Maha suspected that she might be pregnant and so she didn't want him to take her to the hospital, she wanted to be the one to break the joyous news of fatherhood to him.

With a bright smile, Maha entered her car and drove off to the hospital. Her wound were all healed now except for some scars, that accident had been a gruesome experience that she didn't even want to think about it. Even after this two months, she knows she is still not healed, her constant forgetfulness couldn't go unnoticed, she would say she would do some thing and then she would do some thing entirely different while saying it is that same thing she said she wanted to, she often mistook colours, she once saw red and said it was orange. This still were not enough to deter her from being happy, the road to healing might be long and she is willing to wait, at least now she remembers Ayman.

The doctor did some test on her and he took her urine to know if she truly is pregnant, the results were positive, it was really positive! She is going to be a mother!
As Maha delicately held the pregnancy test in her hands, her heart danced to the rhythm of anticipation. The seconds stretched into an eternity as the telltale lines emerged on the small strip. The room seemed to hold its breath in solidarity with her.

When the positive result materialized before her eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions painted across Maha's face. Her eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and joy, and an infectious smile illuminated her features, turning the room into a sanctuary of happiness. It was a moment suspended in time, a crescendo of emotions that resonated with the profound realization that a new chapter was about to unfold.

In that singular instant, Maha's happiness overflowed, a radiant glow emanating from within. The weight of her past struggles momentarily lifted as the positive pregnancy test became a beacon of hope, a promise of a future intertwined with the miracle of life. The room, once silent, echoed with the jubilant echoes of her elation.

She clutched the test with a mixture of awe and gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the beauty encapsulated in this newfound revelation. Each positive line whispered a story of hope, resilience, and the blossoming of a life that held the promise of rewriting their narrative.

The joy that lit up Maha's eyes was not merely about the confirmation of pregnancy; it was a celebration of the love that had flourished in the wake of their shared hardships. In that moment, the threads of Ayman and Maha's love story intertwined with the delicate fabric of new beginnings, creating a tapestry rich in the hues of anticipation and bliss.

As Maha embraced the reality of impending motherhood, her heart resonated with an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. The prospect of bringing life into their shared world ignited a profound sense of purpose, intertwining their destinies in a shared journey of parenthood.

In the quietude of that sacred moment, Maha's happiness rippled through the air, a tangible force that transformed their space into a haven of love and expectation. The positive pregnancy test had not only confirmed the existence of a tiny life but had also heralded the beginning of a chapter where joy, hope, and boundless love would be eternally intertwined.

"Congratulations Mrs. Shugaba." The doctor said with a wide grin, he is the same doctor that had treated her when she was in a coma, he was truly happy for the couple, they were finally going to have a happy ever after.
"Thank you doc."  Maha said as she stood up from her chair to leave. She needed to go back home quickly so she can start thinking about how she will break the joyous news to Ayman.

All through her drive back home, she kept grinning like a fool. She couldn't believe that a tiny life is actually growing inside of her, it all felt too good to be true. She touched her stomach for the umptenth time and a blush crept it's way to her face, even the sun seemed to rejoice with her as it shone even brighter while the cloud blushed in shyness and it hid itself.

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