
691 19 3

January 1, 2024

[A/N. Number 4 was added on this date. No other changes were made.]

Hi, thanks for taking a look at this.

This is a spinoff to another story I wrote called "Vector" that is about Yeji from Itzy. It's not necessary to read it in order to understand this one, but you might enjoy it, as Winter is also in it. I just fell in love with Winter as a character and a reader suggested that I write a story about her, so here goes.

For those of you who read Vector, there isn't going to be much overlap between the two stories, even though they take place in the same "world."

I am incredibly grateful to the people who read Vector, commented, and voted. I just hope that this doesn't let you down. I'll try to update as often as possible, but please don't give up if I go silent from time to time.

A few things:

First, I can't write authentically from a gay perspective, but I do try, and please understand that if I get something wrong or seem insensitive, my intentions were good.

Second, this is a work of complete fiction.

Third, I included some YouTube videos that are music that inspired me or that I listened to because it has the mood I wanted. Of course, you can skip them if you want and you won't miss anything.

Fourth, this story contains graphic violence. No joke. And not fun horror-movie-type violence, but more-or-less realistic face-to-face violence. Like Deadpool, but without the humor. Just remember that it is fiction, too. Please don't take it seriously.



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