The secret

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Cami had a crush on me. I couldn't believe that. How could she not tell me?? I thought we were friends. What more has she been hiding from me? Like, Ken and Alice both got crushes on her, so why me? I had to talk to her as soon as possible.
- Wait. Cami never told you she had a crush on you? Emily? Emily? EMILY!!!
- You looked like you were in a trance! Are you okay?
- Yeah, just thinking...
- Wow, my best friend has a crush on my girlfriend... what a plot twist.
- The thing is, she never told me. I thought we were friends.
- And you guys are!!! She told me she wanted to tell you in the right time. Even more because all this time, she has been wanting you guys to finally be together!!! She didn't wanted to ruin your happiness.
- Aw Cami...- Kevin said and started crying. He was such a sweet boy.
- Yeah, I know. She's way too nice and delusional, HAHAHAHA!!!
- True.- Kevin said.
- What do I do now... I don't wanna hurt her...
- To be honest, I don't know. But if she asks, please don't tell her that I was the only who told you that!!!
- Why would I?? You didn't say that in purpose.
- Yeah, sure. You're right!!! Thank you.
- Of course.
- Do you need help in talking to her? Do you want me to talk with her first? I'm here for you, babe.
- Thank you, Kev, but this is something between me and her, it'd be easier if I do it alone. I think... I'm not sure though.
- If you think it's better for you to speak with her alone I respect your decision, but if you need me just call me!!!
- I will honey!
After that we kissed and hugged. Then I looked at Isa and her face was... how can I say. She looked possessed. I didn't knew what had happened to her but she looked so mad while looking at us. But then she gave us a smile.
- I gotta go now, guys!!! I hope you solve things with Cami. Bye.
- Bye, Isa!!!- We said at the same time.
She left and we decided to go talk with Cami. Well, I was going to talk with Cami, Kevin was going to watch. That would be interesting...
- Hi guys!- Cami said.
- Hi Cami!!!- I said.
- Hi slay girl, how are you??
- I'm great!!! And you?
- Well, my favorite song is "Alley Rose" and it's not even out, this answers your question.
- You're not okay. And you, Emily??
- I am normal, ig. Actually, there's something that I needed to talk with you.
- Of course!!! Whatever you want!!!
- Kev, can you leave us for a second?
- Sure! I'll be back.
- Emily? What's going on?
- I had to talk to you alone.
- Why? What happened?
- Well... I found out that... you like me?
- What? Who told you that? Was it Isa? Because if it was I swear...
- No. She has nothing to do with this - lies - I just heard it and I wanted to make sure if it was true or not.
- Well... It is... But I didn't want to tell you because I know you're straight and that Kevin loved you and he's my best friend and I love him so much and I knew how much he liked you and I was so happy for him but then I met you and realized why he loved you so much but I didn't want to fall for you because he loves you and I knew that you loved him and that you guys were going to end up together and I was so happy for him and so happy for you too but I couldn't help but keep falling for you and that hurts so much because I knew that it was one sided since the start but I couldn't help it and now that you found out it hurts even more...
- Cami...
- I'm so sorry, Emily, I really am. I bet you hate me now and I totally get it. I didn't want this to happen. Not like this. Not now...
- Cami, wait!
- I'm sorry-
Cami left running and crying. I ran after her and I was crying too, because I didn't mean to hurt her like this. She didn't hurt me, not at all. She was one of the best people I knew.
I follow her until I stopped at a park, and there was she. Then I got closer and I saw that Alice was with her, I stopped walking and tried to listen to what they were saying. I know that's wrong but I didn't knew what else to do.
- Cami, are you okay? Why are you crying?
- Is just that... life is hard, okay? And the girl I like has a boyfriend and she found out I like her and I feel so stupid right now...
- Wait... you like girls?
- Yes, I'm bi.
- Omg-
- What?
- I'm bi too!!!
- Omg, at least now you can understand the situation...
- I feel you... I just found out the girl I like likes another girl who's not me...
- Oh really... I'm so sorry for that...
- Yeah... it sucks...
- It does.
- Principally when the girl I like is you...
- What?
- Cami, I like you. I really really like you. But you like Emily and there's nothing I can do about it...
- Wait... how do you know the girl I like is Emily?
- It's obvious by the way you look at her... that's the way I wish you looked at me...
That was so sweet I was almost crying.
- But you didn't know I like girls, how-
- Yeah, I wasn't sure at the time but still, the eyes are the reflection of the soul.
- I guess you're right...
- So tell me, what are you going to do about that?
- About what?
- Everything. Did you talk with Emy yet?
- She came to talk to me but I ran away...
- Why?
- Because of everything. What did you want me to do? Just stand there like an idiot and cry like a baby? I'm not like that...
- Yeah, I know... I'm not like this either.
- Like what?
- Like the type of girl that likes someone and does nothing about it and just let it go.
- What do you mean by saying that?
- I will do something. Right now.
- What are you-
- Stop talking and please stop crying. You'll make me cry too...
Alice pulled Cami closer and then she... she kissed her?!? WAIT- SHE REALLY KISSED HER- THIS IS NOT A DREAM!!! OH. MY. GOD.
- I'm sorry, for everything, Cami. Just hope you don't hate me for this. Maybe you'll give me a chance. No pressure, of course. Just know that I'll always be by your side.
- Alice, I...
- Don't say anything, seeing you hurt already hurts me... I don't wanna get more hurt-
- I didn't want to say that...
- What...?
- I'm already here and we're both hurt so... let's go crazy go stupid.
- What the hell is that supposed to mean?
- You're not a Conehead, are you?
- I'm not, but I can be for you.
- Good.
With that Cami kissed Alice. They looked so happy. I can't believe I followed Cami here when she's exactly where she's supposed to be. In the arms of someone who loves her, aka my best friend Alice. They're perfect together and I'm so glad destiny brought them here. Today. For this.
- Girl- what was this? I thought you liked Emily?
- I was almost forgetting her, I tried for so long and nothing seemed to help it. But somehow when you kissed me it was like nothing else mattered. Just you and me at that moment.
- Does that mean that-
- It means that I'm kinda start liking you. I didn't know a kiss could have that effect in a person. Maybe because I was single all my like HAHAHAHA.
- Relatable. And I actually heard that you only know that you love someone when you kiss them. Did you feel something?
- I did. I felt happy, a little nervous maybe. I never kissed anyone before.
- So Conan coded.
- Hey, I thought you were not a Conehead?
- I'm not, but my best friend is, forgot?
- Oh, yeah, HAHAHA.
- You're so silly-
- No, you are!!!
- Ok, we both are silly.
- Yeah...
- Ok but, does this mean that we're dating now?
- I guess so, do you wanna date me?
- Hell yeah!!!
- I was not expecting that answer, LOL.
- There's a first time for everything.
- There's a first time to us, and I hope this works out because I don't wanna end up hurt twice in a year.
- That's fair enough to me.
- Hehe.
They hugged and sat on a bench talking a bit more. I couldn't believe my best friends were dating, and I was worried about what was going to happen. Now everything was okay. I was happy, Cami was happy, Heather was not (thanks god, that snake doesn't deserve happiness at all) and Ken... wait- KEN ALSO LIKED CAMI-

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