Movies, he wants a love like the movies

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We arrived at the cinema after a while. We were gonna see "A nightmare on Elm Street", I was so excited to see it!! I missed watching horror movies, they are so funny!!! Kevin probably thinks I'm a psychopath at this point but he knows that I'm not a psychopath, (well, maybe just a little haha).
I looked at Kevin, he looked nervous about something
- Are you nervous Kev?
- No, of course not! Why would I be?- he laughed, a nervous laugh.
- Then let's go see it on 3D!!- he looked at me with a little scared face.
- Do you really want to?
- Yes, I do!!
- Then, let's go. - i felt like he was almost crying.
- What if we see a movie you like after this one?
- I think that's an amazing idea!!! Then after this we can watch " The kissing booth"!!! It's my favorite movie.
I hate romantic movies but I knew he hated horror movies and he was gonna watch one with me so I think it's fair.
We entered to see the movie, everything was so quiet, it's weird. Normally when we go to see a movie there are always lots of loud people. Oh well, at least we finally can hear the movie.
After a while Kevin was so scared that he started closing his eyes and hugging me. He said he would never see an horror movie again.
The movie ended and we went to another room to see the movie Kevin wanted to see
- I thought that "The kissing booth" was an Netflix movie, why is it on the cinema?
- To be honest I don't really know but I think they wanted to make a promotion of the new movie so, I think that's the reason.
- I hate romantic movies.
- Why do you hate them so much? I would do anything to have what they have. I want a love like the movies, but sadly that's not possible, at least you're very lucky. I wish I was that lucky.
- Well I'm not very good at this but, I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you, and I'm sure she will be lucky to have you!!!
- But I don't want any girl, I want that girl.
I can see her looking at me right now, right in this cinema room. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but I know she doesn't love me the same way I love her...- he started crying and I didn't knew what to do.
- If she's here try and talk to her. Where is her? Maybe I can help you. How do you know she doesn't love you back?
- Because she's my friend and I talk to her enough to know that she doesn't like that kind of things.
- What kind of things?
- Love.
- Oh my god!!! She is exactly like me!! What a funny coincidence.- he made a sad face.
- Yeah, a very weird coincidence.
- I feel sorry for you, I'm sure that if she gives you a chance she won't regret it!! You are amazing and people can change!!!
- If you think that way, why don't you look yourself in the mirror and say that?- I looked confused, what was he trying to say?
- What are you saying Kev? I'm confused.
- It doesn't really matter, one day you'll find out.
The movie was beginning, I don't really like this kind of movies but I was enjoying it. Maybe it was because of the story, or the way Elle was dating Noah without nobody knowing that. Or maybe because of Elle's friendship with Lee. Anyways, it was a nice movie.
It was getting late after we watched the 2 movies so Kevin took me home
- Well, see you tomorrow, Emy!!
- Ok, but promise me you will talk to your crush about that.
- I already did that.
- What?! When?! What she said?!
- I think she didn't understand that I was telling her I'm in love with her.
- I can't believe that!!! How can she doesn't understand when a boy tells her he is in love with her??
- I don't know, ask her.
- But I don't even know her.
- Yes, you do.
- Then tell me who she is.
- You have to find out yourself. I really have to go now. Goodbye!!!
- Goodbye!!!
I closed the door of his car and entered in my house. Why was him being like that? So confusing, giving me clues of something that I still don't get. I know his crush but who is her?
He said one day I'll find out, but when? This story was getting mysterious but I promised myself that I will find the truth.

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