The concert (part 2)

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We were at Lucas' home. He was an old friend of Kevin and it was very nice from him to let us stay at his home. His mom was a very nice person, but, for some reason, she thought we were dating, like, me and Kevin. I wish that was true. We had a long day before the concert, the concert was only the next day, we still had some time to visit the city.
New York was a very big city, way bigger than our small city on Texas. It was like being in another world, a different world. It was amazing.
We were at Lucas house for some hours and it was getting late, we had dinner together with his family and then watched a movie, "Prom Pact" from Disney Plus. It was very fun.
- I like the way that Mandy is an independent women, that cares more about stuff, like, the important things, not just the typical high school activities. But also, she fell in love with the guy that she used to judge because he was the "high school god" but he was nothing like she thought it was. Never judge the person without knowing her first.- I said.
- You're right, Emily. Judging people without a good reason it's really bad.- Kevin said.
- They make a good couple, don't you think so??
- Yes, but I think we could make a better one...
I stared at him, we said nothing more, just looked at each other. His face was all red, he was clearly embarrassed, and I was probably like that too. I wanted to kiss him, but he had a girlfriend. I was not that type of girl that kisses other boys girlfriends. I was wondering what was he thinking when he said that.
- Kevin... you have a girlfriend, you were joking, right?
- Oh... yeah, It was only a joke!
- Ok...
I was sad inside, but it was my fault, if I wasn't a crazy girl, like I still am, we could have been a couple, but my hate for happy couples was not helping. Crush culturing since ever.
It was late, the movie had ended and we were about to sleep. We asked Lucas where was our bedrooms and he said:
- This way, your bedroom is over there.
- Wait, our bedroom?
- Yes, we only have one guest's bedroom. You guys thought that you were gonna sleep in different rooms??
- Ah... yes??
- Well, we only have one bed so, discuss that together and good night!!!
- I guess we will sleep together...- «Kevin's mind: (YESSSSSS!!! I'M GONNA SLEEP WITH EMILY, YAHOOOOO!!!)»
- You can sleep in the bed, I'll just sleep on the couch.
- You don't need to Emily, if you don't feel comfortable, I can sleep on the couch, but you will sleep on the bed.
- Ok, thank you, Kevin!!!
I could finally breathe, if I slept with Kevin I would go crazy and might even die, this was the best decision in my opinion. Also, he had a girlfriend, and even though I don't like her, I would never do that to Heather.
I went to the bedroom, I put my pajamas and then went to the living room again to say good night to Kevin. He was taking he shirt off, I couldn't stop looking, but then he looked at me and I looked the other way. I was so embarrassed. I felt my face burning like fire, I was trying to not look again at his abdominals, but it was hard.
- Are you ok, Emily?
- Yes, yes I'm ok. Why are you asking?
- Because your face is all red. Are you real sure you are ok??
- Of course I am sure!!! I just wanted to say good night to you.
- Ok, good night, Emily!!!
- Good night, Kevin!!!
I went back to my room, I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin without shirt, I never saw him like that. He was very fine, but I was trying not to think about that, because, again, he had a girlfriend. If he didn't I would probably jump to him and then kiss him, (just like Kitty did in Min Ho's dream, on XO, Kitty).
I was trying to sleep, but I couldn't, I had so many stuff on my mind. I was thinking about the day that I attacked Heather, I didn't knew I could be so mean. What was I thinking? Even though she kissed my boy that's not my boy, I had no reasons to attack her. I AM A DAMN PSYCHOPATH.
Thinking about that couldn't let me sleep, it was too much the guilt I was feeling. I just wanted a friend, anyone to be there for me when I needed, but all my friends were at Texas and I was in NY, the only friend I had that could listen to me there, was Kevin. I couldn't speak with Kevin, even more about his girlfriend, and about my anxiety, I was just gonna let him sleep and try to sleep, again. When I'm anxious I usually put music to sleep better, I couldn't sleep so I put "Comfort Crowd" playing. It made me calm down a little, so then I could finally sleep.
I woke up in the morning before everyone else. It was the day, it was finally the day of the concert!!! I was so excited that I almost cried, I waited for so long, and it was finally the time!!! I had brought money with me, to buy merch at the concert. Like, I couldn't go to a Conan's concert without buying merch, right? I had the perfect outfit and I was ready for it!!! I went to the living room to check if Kevin was awake, and when I got there I realized that he was there, sleeping with only his underwear. I was so embarrassed, why was that happening to me? One thing was seeing him without shirt, but seeing him without pants too?? This was too much for me to handle.
I looked at him for some minutes, he looked so cute while sleeping. I felt safe, just for being there, near him. After some time he woke up, I guess he noticed I was looking at him because he talked to me.
- Good morning, Emy!!!
- Good morning!!!
- How are you?? Did you sleep well??
- I'm great, especially because I'm extremely excited about the concert!!!
- Oh my gosh, me too!!! I hope you slept well.
- Well, I don't have an answer to that question, to be honest.
- Ok. I'm gonna get ready!!! Can you give me that bag next to you, please?
- Of course!!!
- Thank you!!! I'm gonna wear my "Superache is for virgins" tee at the concert, I'm so excited to buy new merch!!!
- Give me.
- What?
- Give me your shirt.
- No, buy one. I will not give you mine's.
- Oh, yes you will.
I grabbed his tee and ran around the living room, he started running after me, trying to grab his shirt. It was so fun, I couldn't stop laughing.
- Give me my shirt, Emy!!!
- Come get it!!!
- I will!!!
He kept running after me, and at some point he grabbed the shirt and I fell over him. He was still only with his underwear. I couldn't move.
- Well... I got it.
- Oh, yeah, I guess so.
- Are you ok?
- Yeah, why?
- Nothing.
- Guys, i know I said you were a couple, but this is not the best place to do that.- Lucas said.
- What?- we both said at the same time.
I realized Lucas has made a mistake, we weren't doing anything. After that I jumped to the other side of the couch and looked the other way. Why this kind of stuff only happens to me? I was literally so embarrassed at that moment. Somehow it felt like Kevin was enjoying that.
- So, my mom is making breakfast and she told me to come here and tell you guys that.
- Ok, we will go now.
We went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I was so hungry, and when I saw that the breakfast was Hot chocolate and pancakes I almost screamed.
- I'm so happy right now.
- Why, honey?- Lucas' mom said.
- Because this is my favorite food!!!
- I'm glad you like it!!! Kevin told me yesterday that you liked this food and asked me if I could make it today as your breakfast!!!
- He did that, for me?
- Yes!!! It's obvious that he likes to see you smile.
Kevin looked at me, his cheeks were red and he was smiling at me, I smiled too. Our concert was only at night, so we had time to explore a little bit of New York before. After breakfast we left.
Kevin held my hand and started running with me, he wanted to show me something.
- This way!
- Are you sure it's this way? Aren't you going to take us to a dangerous place??
- I know what I'm doing, just trust me a little, ok?
- Okok, I will.
- Thank you.
We kept running through the city. I wasn't sure where he wanted to take us, but I kept running.
- Finally, we're here.
- What's this?
- My favorite place in New York.
- A Starbucks in the middle of nowhere?
- It's not any Starbucks, this one has a special meaning.
- Like what?
- It's the Starbucks where I kissed the girl I loved for the first time.
- Oh, really?
- Yes!!! Come on, let's enter.
- Fine.
We walked in and sat next to a window. We ordered two hot chocolates, even though we had just eaten. We were talking and smiling, it was a good moment.
- Well, I'm curious about this girl you loved.
- Really?
- Yes, how was she?
- She is amazing, with angel eyes and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life.
- She looks perfect.
- She is.
- That moment must have been so special to you.
- Well... about that...
- What?
- I was talking about this moment.
- W-What?
He got closer to me, he was so close our lips almost touched each other. He was staring at my eyes, I was paralyzed.
- What are you doing?
- I'm just doing what I said...
He was about to kiss me, I couldn't open my eyes, it was too good to be truth. We were almost kissed but then someone called Kevin.
- Kevin, your order is ready!
He immediately went to catch the order. We didn't kissed, sadly. It was not the first time that happened. If the order waited 1 more second to get ready we could had kissed.
- Here, our food.
- Thank you.
- About what just happened...
- You don't have to say anything, you were probably thinking about, Heather.
- I wasn't, I swear I wasn't. I was only thinking about you...
- What?
- Emily, I-
- You what?
-I... I love... Heather?
- I knew it.
- No, look it's Heather.
- Heather?
- Yes, Heather, look behind you!
- Kevin!!!! I missed you, love!!!
- Heather, what are you doing here?
- I said I had tickets to the concert, I saw you by the window while I was walking and just came here to say "Hi".
- Can we talk alone, for a second?
- Of course, babe!!!
They walked away and I was so confused. Why was Heather here??
- Well, I'm leaving now. Sorry to interrupt you guys!!! Have a nice day!!!
- Bye, Heather.
- Oh, goodbye, Heather.
She left and we kept eating. I didn't knew what Kevin told Heather for her to leave like that, but for me it was ok. After that, we went home to get some things and rest before the concert.
The hours passed, it was finally the time, the concert time. I grabbed my tote bag and my phone (that had a Conan case). I was all ready, I just waited for Kevin before we left.
We walked together to the Subway, because it was the faster way to get there. This time I made sure I took a sit, before I fell over Kevin again. We talked a lot on the way, but we were finally there. It was finally the time. I couldn't believe it!!!
We entered on the concert room and waited until it started. When Conan appeared on stage I literally screamed and cried until I couldn't no more. I never was so happy.
I know every single song of Conan, and I was so glad that I had the opportunity to sing them all with him, it was magic.
At some point I heard a voice in the middle of the crowd. It sounded familiar, and it was talking to us. It was Cami.
- Cami, oh my gosh, you are here!!!
- Yes!!! I'm so happy I was able to find you guys. I swear I never saw so many people together. How are you??
- I'm amazing!!! I can't stop singing, even though my throat already hurts a lot.
- That's so me, fr!!! And you, Kevin??
- I'm also great!!!
- Sooooo... You guys are here as a couple, right?
- What, no. Kevin dates Heather, remember?
- What? Kevin, please come here.
Cami went to talk with Kevin while I kept screaming while Conan was singing "Little League", I love that song so much!!!
- Emily, can I talk with you for a second?
- Of course, Cami!!!
- Thank you.
- Well, I don't really know why Kevin hasn't told you yet, but he's not dating Heather anymore.
- What are you saying?
- They broke up before you left.
- Why he never told me that? Why was him pretending they were dating all this time?
- I don't know either, but I just talked with him about that.
- I'm going to talk with him, before Conan sings Heather.
- Go girl, I believe you!!!! Good luck!!!
- Thank you, Cami!!!
When I looked back at Kevin, he was with Heather. I got closer to them and they were acting weird. Conan started singing Heather, and at that exact moment Heather kissed Kevin. I was done with her, one thing was when they were dating, but now... SHE WAS KISSING MY MAN!!!!
I walked on Heather's way and I pushed her away. I looked at Kevin and I couldn't control myself. I pulled him closer to me, and kissed him. I repeat I KISSED HIM. I couldn't believe that was happening to me, just while the chorus of Heather was playing. I pinched myself to make sure it was real, and this time it really was. I literally cried of happiness.
- Emily...?
- Yes, Kevin?
- Can I kiss you again?
- Sure!
He hugged me tight and kissed me one more time. I could see stars all around, it felt like a dream. After Conan finished singing Heather he said something.
- This is for the couple on the front row.
- Is Conan talking to us?- I said.
- I think so.
- Can you guys stop kissing? Like, this is a concert for hopeless romantic people, show some respect.
- Thank you!!! Let's continue.
- ME TOO!!!- Kevin said.
We kept listening and singing and crying over Conan's songs. When it finally ended I was crying because I wanted more.
- I can't go home yet, there are so many songs Conan didn't sang.
- I know, but sadly Conan had no time to sang them all.
- He has all the time in the world, he should have sang all of his songs, even the unreleased ones.
- You're just sad because the concert ended.
- Of course I am, I miss Conan already...
- Come with me, let's buy merch!!!
- We have to be quickly if we want to buy some, so let's go!!!
We literally ran together to the place where the merch was being sell, I was so happy.
We bought some merch and then went to Cami to say goodbye. I didn't said goodbye to Heather because she literally kissed my man in front of me, she didn't deserved my goodbye.
I was so happy with my new merch, I bought a "Superache tour" hoodie and a "Superache is for virgins" t-shirt. It was cold so I put my new hoodie on.
- See, now you don't have to steal my tee anymore.
- I still can, if I want.
- How dare you.
- Hahahahahaha.
- I love being with you, you know that, right?
- Of course I do, Kevin!!!
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah, ofc!!!
- Do you wanna be my girlfriend?
My heart stopped for a second. This was real, it was not a fantasy, it was real. I immediately smiled.
- Yes!!! Finally!!! I dreamed about this moment so many times!!!
- Really?? I didn't knew you liked me so much, haha.
- I'm sure you like me even more.
- Why are you so sure?
- Because of the letter you wrote me.
- Oh, yeah, you're right.
- Hehehe.
We left the concert and caught the subway, it was getting late and we didn't wanted Lucas' mom to get worried about us.
We spent the whole way laughing while holding hands, it was perfect. I was feeling complete.
- I love you, Emily.
- I know.
- Do you love me?
- I guess you already know the answer.
I kissed him again and then laid my head on his shoulder. I was almost falling asleep.
When the subway arrived, we left and walked to Lucas' house. Kevin knocked the door and Lucas' mom told us to enter.
- How was the concert? You guys look very happy!!! Was it good?
- It was the best concert we could ask for!!!- Kevin said.
- I'm glad you liked it!!! But now it's late and you should both go to sleep, ok?
- Ok, we will.- I said.
- Good night, sweethearts!!!
- Good night!!!
Lucas' mom left and then we sat on the couch.
- I'm going to sleep now, Kevin.
- Ok, Emy, sleep well!!! I love you!!!
- Have sweet dreams!!! Mwah!!!
I kissed him on the cheek and then went to the bedroom to sleep. It was already very late and I was very tired. I laid on my bed and smiled, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was Kevin's girlfriend, like, I WAS KEVIN'S GIRLFRIEND, WOW!!!
I was so happy, my life was never so perfect, after everything that happened, I was finally in peace and with my love by my side. I closed my eyes, and slept smiling.

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