I don't believe it

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That day I was at school and I saw him again, Jake, he was always staring at me for some reason and I was starting thinking he liked me, but, I didn't like him, i didn't even like love. Well I think I should present myself first, my name is Emily Addams, and I was a teenage girl from Texas, United States. I lived with my parents and my dog Jewel. I was a girl who loved music and writing songs and I really, really hated love. Like I didn't get it when people were always talking about their crushes and how in love they were with them, what's the point of that?
Anyways let's go back to what I was saying at the beginning.
I saw Jake everyday looking at me and when I looked back he pretended that he wasn't staring.
I didn't really like that, I hated when people just stared at me without a good reason, so I started walking away from there and he followed me.
I got scared because this is the part in movies where something bad is probably gonna happen, but instead of that he just wanted to talk with me. I stopped and started talking to him:
- Hey, what's up Emily?
- I'm great Jake, what about you?- he looked at me for a second like he didn't knew what to say.
- I'm great too!!- he just stopped talking for a second and looked right in my eyes- I was gonna ask you something to be honest.
- Oh, really?- he looked a little nervous but then he started talking again.
- I was thinking... would you like to go to the cinema with me tomorrow?
I already knew he was gonna ask me on a date, but I didn't like those things so I said
- Sorry Jake, but I don't wanna go on a date, I hate love to be honest and you deserve someone who truly loves you the way you are.
He looked a little sad but then he answered
- Oh... that's fine Emily... I hope you have a nice day!
He left after saying that and I could see tears in his eyes. It wasn't my intention to hurt him but I didn't really like love, I wouldn't go on a date just to make him happy, because then I would break his heart.
Well now it was done, the bell rang and I went to class.
I sat down in my desk and looked around the classroom, I saw my friend Alice on the other side of the class, she looked at me and smiled.
We were having French with our teacher Clarisse
- Bounjour!!!
- Bounjour professeur Clarisse!!!
Our class started, and the teacher was talking with us about our school trip to Paris in December, when she just said
- Class, today we are gonna have a new student, he is from New York and his name is Kevin Stewart!!! Please make him feel comfortable with his new school and class.
He walked in the classroom with a small smile, he had dark brown eyes and black wavy hair, he was a little bit taller than me and he was wearing a black sweater with brown pants, he was also with a book in his hand and some headphones.
The teacher told him to sit next to me.
I couldn't explain why but I felt nervous around him, like, he looked at me with some sad eyes and that made me feel a little bit uncomfortable.

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