1-Train Ride

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I open my eyes. My brothers and i have been on this train for more than a day now.
I rub my eyes trying to wake up. The night was rough. Trying to sleep with all the noise that the train made, the snores of my brothers and the bed that has a matress as thin as paper, made this night a living hell.
I sit up in my bed with a groan as my body is all sore from this sleepless night. I let out an annoyed sigh, and a pillow flies in my head, making me gasp. I turn my head towards the cluprit. Liam.

"What was that for ?" i furrow my eyebrows, while picking up the pillow that fell on the floor after hitting me.

"Shut up. i'm trying to sleep." Liam snaps back

I raise my eyebrows, and throw the pillow as hard as i can, aiming for his face.
I got him good.
Liam glares at me ready to throw back the pillow.

"Will you two shut up before i come down there."

I look up, Jacob's head is poking out of his bed, looking down at us. He lays back down on his bed aggressively and sighs.
Liam and i look at each other and quickly look away trying to hold back our laughs.

I lay back in my bed and open a book to read. A few minutes later, a pillow hits me in the arm, making me drop my book on my face. Liam bursts out laughing and i quickly sit up.

"Asshole !" i throw back his pillow on his bed not aiming for anything.

I look at the time, it was around 10 am. i decide to get up, knowing that if i stay in my bed i have to be ready to be Liam's target for a long time.

I get out of our compartment and start walking to the bathroom to take a shower and change into my robes as we will arrive soon at Hogwarts.

I'm pretty excited to go to Hogwarts, i've always dreamt of being there. Don't get me wrong, Beauxbâtons is a great school, but the people there... Not so much. Everything was always a competition, grades, looks, friends, relationships... They would do anything to get what they want. You couldn't trust anyone. Girls were hypocrites and boys dicks. I somehow managed to find some pretty great friends, i don't know if the friendship was genuine but i liked them. I don't know if i'll miss them but i'll think about them from time to time.

I never thought i would end up at Hogwarts one day. My parents used to go there, but after they graduated they ran away and settled in France, where me and my brothers grew up. I never knew why my parents didn't stay in England, because i would have liked to grow up there. France was great but you always want what you don't have i guess.

Two days ago my parents announced that we would leave for England. It was such out of the blue, my brothers and i just stared at eachother wondering where this decision came from. Next thing we know they drop us in a station on our way to Hogwarts. In a matter of hours our lives were flipped. Me and my bothers never talked about it, but i can tell that something made my parents go back. I don't know what but something did. They can't just decide to come back after 20 years for no reason, and without discussing it with us as well.

But for now, i tried not to think about it that much, i wanted to enjoy my time at Hogwarts.

Me and my brothers were in a private train, sent by Dumbledore himself. I still don't know how's that possible but oh well... They usually don't accept students during school years, it was either you enter at your first year, or never. I guess an exception was made for us. Odd as well. We couldn't go on the Hogwarts Express because we left from france and we couldn't make it in time to london to catch it. So that's why we ended up on our own in this train. A whole train for three teens, i personally think it's a bit exagerated but i don't have a say in this.
After my shower i get back to our compartment. Jacob is up in the bunk bed and dressed. Liam on the other hand is still buried deep into his sheets.

I walk up to his bed. and pull down the blanket.

"Get up"

Liam lets out a loud groan and tries to take back the blanket. But i throw it far away from his bed.

"Come on, go get change, we'll be there soon"

He lets out another groan before sitting up with his eyes still closed.

I scoff "You're so dramatic, i swear." i grab his arm and drag him out of bed. "ew and go take a shower, you smell weird"

Liam glares at me before leaving to take his shower.

I sit on the chair that's facing the window of our compartment, i stare at the landscapes and sigh. You can see a bit of the castle if you look closely.
I'm pulled out of my thought as my brother puts his hand on my shoulder.

"you're nervous ?" he asks softly

I keep my eyes locked with the sight in front of me. "yeah... but i think it's also excitment"
I pause for a second
"i'm just scared... i've always dreamt of being there, but what if everything i imagined is false and it's just like Beauxbâtons. I'm scared of being disapointed. Or also what if it's everything i wished for but i just don't fit in. I'll just be the new loner. I don't want that" i look down fiddling with my fingers.

Jacob lets out a long sigh
"I don't know what it's like over there but i do know that we'll be alright. I mean, do you really think it could be worse than Beauxbâtons ?" he chuckles.

I look up at him and give him a small smile. "yeah you're right, we can't do worse than that"


It's finally time.
Me and brothers get off the train with our suitcases. We start to walk towards the castle, small lights guiding the way.

We arrive in the hall. A giant door made of wood standing in front of us. The hall is quiet and empty but we can hear muffled sounds coming from behind the door.

"Should we go inside ?" Liam asks stepping closer to the door

"Go on big guy, i'd like to see you open that" Jacobs responds chuckling

Liam glares at him and rolls his eyes.

Suddenly, the doors open. Our eyes widen as we finally see what's inside. Four tables filled with students, each with a different color: blue, green, red and yellow. You can also see candles hanging from the ceiling. The whole room conveys a welcoming atmosphere, and i can sense a warm feeling all over my body. From this moment i knew. I was home.

ONE LAST TIME  | Mattheo Riddle |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang