Part 1

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You took a deep breath, (they don't even know me) you thought to myself, more a less reassured yourself. When you turned the corner you spotted him. You knew it was him because it's a small school, you already know everyone else. He was staring at the activity board, that board confused you so you doubted he would be able to understand it. you stood in your place, staring, watching, feeling like a complete creep. But you couldn't help it, his dark brown hair stuck up in all places, but was still styled, and so so hot. His eyes, although you could only see one because of the angle, was green, emerald green, they were beautiful, and so was he. He wore a dark navy long sleeve shirt, his sleeves rolled up, showing his veiny very muscular arms. (God he's hot!) his sun kissed skin looked like the work of gods, before you knew it you were walking towards him. Still mesmerised by him. Just him. "Do you tan" you said poking his arm. You quickly covered your mouth stopping you from saying any other out of pocket inappropriate things. (Fuck he's gonna know I'm weird now) he didn't react just turned his face to look at you. (Not the talking type. Might be a issue, I like talking, not at school though, maybe he was like me and just didn't like talking at school, i was social, enough. But mr harington thought that with a new student coming that it would be nice for me to make some friends. I have friends, we'll ok maybe I need friends) you stuck out your hand and he just stared at it, you swiftly pulled  back your arm feeling your face go red. "I'm Casey, I have to show you around." You didn't even relize that you said it in a flat tone, you couldn't help it, he was starting to piss you off, he just stared at you. "And you are..." you began to rock back and forth on your shoes,( this guy was beautiful don't get me wrong, but what was with the whole mute thing?) "Zach." The sound of his voice sent shivers down your spine, he spoke in a deep voice witch made your insides jump up and down. "Geez I was starting to think you were a mute or something" your mouth dropped open. You think there's something wrong with you, but you Couldn't help it, a new kid at the school, maybe you could finally make a new friend, everyone else found you annoying, said you  talk to much. So you stopped. You slapped your head. "I'm sorry, umm, where do you wanna go first, how about the canteen?" You walked down the hall, you expected him to follow you, but he just stood there reading the activity's board. You walked back over, slightly embarrassed. "So like... are you gonna come? Because the whole point of me showing you around is to actually kinda like, show you around." You turned your  head around in front of the activity board so you were in front of his face. "Look I'm sorry for calling you a mute I don't mean to blurt thin-"
"I don't need you." He cut you off. He actually cut you off. Your mouth was still open, what a rude prick. You scoffed and he turned back to the board. You were just about to snap back when Sam and Will walked up to Zach. Sam slapping him on the back, he looked over to you after doing the weird grabby thing boys do with each other, it confused you, like cmon just say hi. "Hey case how's it going" you knew he wasn't actually asking, he just had to be nice to you because your parents were close, like rlly close. You used to be to, before he got excessively popular, you thought it was just a stupid stereotype but it actually happened, you weren't the most liked so you kind of got it. You flashed a small smile over at him before Will started talking. "Zach my man," you scrunched your nose, do people really talk like this? "What r you doing here man?"
Zach flashed a glance at you before giving his attention back to Will. "We moved, dad got a new job." Sam patted him on the back, "well what are you doing with Casey?" Sam smiled at you again, you think he feels bad for you, the lonely, friendless kid, don't forget to add on bullied that own really sells the story. "She wants to show me around" you'd scoffed at the fat lie he just told, you by any chance did not WANT to show him around, you were FORCED! The boys looked at you, you probably looked like a desperate looser right now trying to make a friend when god knows that's just not in the cards for you. You scoffed loudly "corrections I was forced by Mr harington. But Sam?" Sam looked up at you and nodded making you continue "please show Zach around, he's a bit of a prick and I don't really feel like spending anymore time with spoilt dick heads anymore than I already have to." You spun on your heels and walked away, you could hear Sam laughing at zach, you turned to walk into the girls bathroom, seeing him staring at you from the corner of your eye. (Yeah that's what you get for trying to embarrass me)

                                Zach's Pov
I don't wanna be at this ridiculous school, but dad win the custody fight, meaning I had to move to this shit hole, but at least I wasn't completely new, I knew the boys from the football team, we used to play them all the time at my old school, they were good guys, always invited us out after games. Got real close with some of them. Like Sam. I was staring at the ridiculous activities board trying to figure out how to sign up to the footy team, this board is fucking confusing let me tell you though, I was staring at it for what felt like hours. When a girl walked up to me, she had light brown hair, the bluest eyes I have ever seen, she was short, her olive skin making her eyes stand out even more. I pretended I wasn't oooking at her. But I couldn't take my eyes of her in reality. I just kept saying in my head (be cool be cool be cool) I wasn't one for girls. I don't have time nor do I rlly care, sure I find girls pretty, but I'm not attracted to them. I just can't be bothered, this girl was different. "Do you tan?" She asked me if I tan? I had to hold back my laugh. Tf does that even mean. I just looked at her. Her eyes had A sweet deminer to it. His she was gorgeous. "I'm Casey I have to show you around" I looked back at the board, I don't think she liked me because she spoke in a harsher tone. "And you are....?" God she talked a lot. I didn't really mind though. I looked at her again. "Zach" i smirked at her, I felt myself cringing at myself, god I'm an idiot, she seemed to smile to herself before saying the most random thing  "Geez I was starting to think you were a mute or something" ha she was fiesty, i stoped smirking and actually smiled, softly. She asked me where I wanted to go. I didn't really want a tour, a tour was like being displayed to the rest of the student body, like presenting the fresh meat. I didn't need that. But I couldn't say that. She walked off. I watched her leave before she turned around and came back. "I don't need you" I blurted it out, I didn't even think. I didn't look at her to hide the disgust I had in myself. I would never talk to a lady like that. Before she could fire back Sam and Will came over. Thank god, Will asked me why I moved, I didn't really want my family's issues parading around the school so I lied, " We moved, dad got a new job." Sam patted me on the back, he was the only one that knew, he was a good guy, "well what are you doing with Casey?" Sam and I both looked at casey, I knew she was about to explode at me, she looked kinda cute mad. "She wanted to show me around" I lied, I now this is going to hit e me in the but in about 3..2...1-" "corrections I was forced by Mr harington. But sam? please show Zach around, he's a bit of a prick and I don't really feel like spending anymore time with spoilt dick heads anymore than I already have to"  I smiled at her, god she was amazing, the boys made fun of me the rest of the day for that. I watched her walks away and into the bathroom, i cold tell she was staring at me through the corner of her eyes before she walked in, I'm convinced she even smiled a little. I finally figure out how to sign up for the footy team. Coach knew me so he recruited me right away for the game the next week. I looked for Casey the rest of the day, we have 3 classes together. History, English and science. She blew something up in science and had to go to the princible. Sam was talking about how she talked her way out of it at practise that night. I made sure Sam didn't like Casey romantically. That would screw with my current thought process. He said they were just family friends, used to be close. Drifted in high school though. I don't know how anyone could drift from her, she was hilarious. She wasn't at school the next day. I looked for her, I even asked Sam where she was. He said she skipped days of school a lot and to not worry about it. I worried about it.

Let me know if this is to long or if I should do it shorter or if you have any ideas. The next part will be a continuation of Zachs pov but I thought this one was just getting a bit long 😬🙂 hope u liked it

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