Memories Flashing Before my Eyes

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A/N: Hiya guys! Here's chapter 12 and it's the final one for the "Spade Arc" for this series, so from now on we'll be back in Clover and seeing what's all going on there! This chapter contains a lot of memories from others series/oneshots/etc; and some even contain bits from "Children of the Future" so I hope you all enjoy this angst filled chapter, and please mind the warnings 🥰!

Warnings: Blood, Violence, Angst, Major Character Death


Yuno gently set Neva down onto their bed, quietly making sure that she was comfortable and wouldn't be disturbed, before quietly reaching out to hold her hand as he sat on the edge of their bed.

Her hand was so cold and pale in his...he quickly placed his other hand against it and began to rub her hand with his, trying to warm it up, when he suddenly paused.

She was there was no reason to try and warm up her hand...

Yuno gritted his teeth as he could feel tears welling up in his eyes again and he quickly closed them before leaning forward and resting his forehead against their clasped hands.

This wasn't right. This wasn't fair. He was the one who was supposed to die tonight, not her. She was supposed to be the one to run away, to live, and to make sure their children were safe and protected, not him. This. Wasn't. Right.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked over their hands to stare at Neva's cold and lifeless face...if one didn't know any better, they would assume that she was peacefully asleep...Yuno almost scoffed, how he wished that were the case instead...

As he stared at her suddenly so many memories began to flood his mind and cloud his vision.

The memory of their first date, their first kiss, the memory of how she tried her best to save him from Zenon and proclaimed her love for him, the memory of her disappearing before being found again, the memory of him proposing to her...

" 6,329."

" Do you remember when we first began dating? You asked me how many years you thought we could be together, and I didn't answer you. Well now I am. The answer is 6,329. That's how many years we'll be together. That's how many years I want to spend with you." Yuno announced as he turned around, moving a little closer to the balcony.

" I don't want to spend all that time with someone else. I want to spend it with the person who makes me smile all the time, the person who...who makes me believe in myself, who believed in me before anyone else did. The person who pushes me to be an even better person. I want to spend my life with you, and only you, Neva Belmonte!"

" After I found you again, I made a promise to myself that I would never let you go again and I'm not going to break that promise." Yuno suddenly pulled something out of his pocket and held it out towards her, with a warm happy smile on his face.

" Marry me, Neva."

Then...the memory of their wedding...

" Do you Yuno Grinberryall," Father Orsi sniffled a bit. " Take Neva Belmonte to be your wife?" He asked and Yuno nodded as a soft smile appeared on his face again.

" I do."

" Do you, Neva Belmonte, take Yuno Grinberryall to be your husband?" He asked as he grabbed a handkerchief and blew his nose, Neva chuckled but nodded with a bright smile on her face as well.

" I do."

" Now I pronounce you husband and wife," Father Orsi began to sob again. " Y-You may kiss t-the bride!"

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