Captain Alistar Vangeance

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A/N: Hiya guys! So here's chapter 5, sadly we don't have any answers yet, instead we just get lots more questions hehe, but we also get a small celebration 🥰! You also get to see some new and familiar faces in this and you'll see a few more in the coming chapters, so I hope you all enjoy~!

Cyra and Leon belong to thoughtfullyrainy and Josslyn belongs to Rising_Generation !


Yami, William, and the other Captains along with Marx and Asta waited outside for their kids and squad mates to return with the captured bandits. They had a lot of questions for them, especially when it came to their robes and what they meant. Obviously, they were a part of some group, but what kind of group was it exactly? Were they just some bandit group as they first appeared to be, or were they something more sinister? Yami didn't want to say it out loud, but, his gut was telling him it was the latter.

The sun had risen, but only a couple of hours before the kids all arrived. But as soon as they landed in front of the Headquarters, everyone frowned.

" Uh, guys? Where are the bandits?" Asta asked with a confused tone to his voice. Alistar and Hikari looked at each other for a moment with hesitant eyes.

" Spit it out, brats, what happened?" Yami asked, his tone serious but not angry. Hikari looked at her father and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

" Well, just as we ended the call, they all suddenly began to collapse, and they were vomiting and shaking and were pale. A few of them even began to hallucinate. We tried to save them but..." Hikari trailed off as she shook her head. The Captains all looked at each other with wide eyes, the bandits were dead?

" What could have caused them to do all of that?" Sol asked with a frown, and Wendy Agrippa suddenly answered.

" It was poison.'' She suddenly answered, causing all the Captains to frown, she was nearly as quiet as her father.

" It was poison?" Asta suddenly repeated, making everyone look at him in surprise. But the young man smiled before shrugging. " What?"

" It wasn't just any poison, though," Alistar suddenly continued. " It was 'Abrus precatorius' to be more exact."

" What the hell is that?" Jack suddenly asked, causing Alistar to rub the back of his head. He sometimes forgot that not everyone was as...enthusiastic about plants as he was.

" Right, I apologize. They're also called Rosary peas, or crab's eye vine. Their seeds, when unbroken, are harmless and are usually used for Rosary beads. But when the seeds are broken, or you ingest even one of them, they can be very deadly since they contain a poison called 'Abrin'. Usually, it would take 8 hours or a few days before they began to get sick and die, but considering how quickly their symptoms appeared, I think they took well over a dozen each." Alistar said in a matter-of-fact tone, the Captains all nodded slowly as he finished his explanation.

" So they had those seeds as a backup plan in case they happened to be captured, which means they must be a part of a very elaborate organization. One that wants to remain secret and hidden in the shadows." Randall Luftair, Captain of the Crimson Lions, said thoughtfully.

" If they're wanting to stay hidden that badly, then that means they're planning something very big against the kingdom," Nozel said as he crossed his arms, and suddenly Dorothy made a giggling sound from beside him.

" Staying in the shadows doesn't sound very fun, does it? So why don't we find them and bring them into the light?" She suggested with a playful grin, causing the others to nod as well.

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