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A/N: Hiya guys! So here's chapter 6 and so far I think it's my favorite I've written so far, we get a little bit of a few ships and family relationships. I'm gonna try and include as many moments as I can, and I apologize if I take a bit to answer comments, I've been a little busy lately the past few days. But I hope you all enjoy~!


Asta's eyes widened as Ciel finished explaining what had happened and why Yuno wasn't there. Kya was missing? That wasn't like the young girl to run off without telling someone where she was going. And from what Asta had heard, there was about to be another very bad snowstorm in the region that evening, which meant, if they didn't find Kya soon, she would end up being caught in it. He quickly jumped up and had a determined look on his face.

" I'm coming up there to help look for her," Asta said, but Ciel quickly shook her head.

" You don't have to do that, we have all of our Mage Defense Force members out searching for her, as are Neva and Yuno. We'll find her soon," Ciel trailed off, she tried to sound positive, but he could hear the worry and unsureness in her voice.

" But she's my niece, I need to help look for her..." Asta trailed off. He knew if it was one of his daughters that was missing, Yuno and Neva would immediately fly to Clover to come and help him look for them. Ciel smiled in understanding.

" I know, but you're the Wizard King now, you can't just suddenly drop everything to come to Spade. And besides, if you were to leave now, you would end up getting caught in the snowstorm. So just...wait, and if for some reason we don't find her by the morning, then you can come and help. Does that sound fair?"

Asta hesitated, he knew what Ciel was saying was right. He couldn't just take off with only a moment's notice anymore, well he could, but he would end up getting into a lot of trouble with Marx. And the last thing he wanted to do was stress Marx out on his last day of work. But at the same time, he didn't want to wait until morning to go to Spade.

But really...what else could he do?

" Okay. I'll wait until morning, but if I don't hear from you or Yuno by the time the sun begins coming up, I'm coming to Spade." Asta said seriously, and Ciel nodded in agreement before the two ended the call. Asta sighed heavily before he leaned back in his chair.

" I'm surprised," He suddenly heard from the doorway, and he saw his wife Noelle standing there with her arms crossed. " I figured you would already be looking for Finral, so he could take you to Spade."

" I thought about it...but I don't think Finral couldn't make the complete trip, and Queen Ciel made a good point, I can't just up and leave. Not anymore." Noelle nodded as she listened to her husband speak, she silently walked over to him and sat down at the edge of the desk.

" I mean, you could, but Marx and William would have a cow when they discovered you were gone," Noelle said, and Asta suddenly laughed.

" That's what I was thinking earlier, too!" Noelle gave a small laugh before tossing her hair over her shoulder.

" Well, I am your wife, so, of course, I would know how you think," Noelle said with a fake air of arrogance. " Which is why I'm surprised you're actually listening to Queen Ciel instead of just going to Spade." Asta sighed and closed his eyes for a moment.

" I know, and I'll admit I'm kind of surprised too. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me just to drop everything and go, but something's stopping me, something besides Finral's well-being." Asta admitted softly as he slowly opened his green eyes and looked at Noelle.

" Responsibility?" Noelle asked and Asta shrugged.

" I don't know, but that sounds like what it is."

" Why don't you send the Black Bulls up there to help? That way, you can still be here while also helping Spade with the search?' Noelle suggested, and Asta tilted his head.

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