Something's Wrong

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A/N: Hiya guys! I'm sorry this chapter is very late, I had some IRL things come up and got busy with the holidays so this got pushed back quite a bit. Not much happens in this chapter, but we  do get some very sweet and wholesome moments (especially between Nozel and Kaiyo)  and Sterling Faust and Josele Canty are not my OC's, they belong to loosesodamarble on tumblr! I hope you all enjoy~!


The Next Morning

" Asta? Is everything alright?"

Asta blinked slowly as he heard a familiar voice call out to him. His green eyes averted from the static screen of the communication device to the office door, where William stood with a worried expression on his face.

" Huh? Oh, yeah everything's fine Capt-, I mean William. Gah! Why is it so hard for me to call you by your name!" Asta exclaimed as he ruffled his hair in aggravation. William chuckled and shook his head.

" It's most likely because you've been calling me 'Captain Vangeance' for the last twenty years, habits that have been around that long are very hard to break," He said before humming in thought. " How about, instead of calling me William, you just call me Vangeance like Yami does?"

" Really?" Asta asked with tears in his eyes. " Thank you, Vangeance!"

" Not at all," William waved away the Wizard King's thanks before turning serious. " But may I ask why you're not doing your paperwork and are instead staring so intently at the communication device?" He asked curiously, Asta blinked again before a sigh escaped him.

" Just...I just have a feeling something's wrong, so I was trying to contact Yuno to make sure everything was alright in Spade. But he isn't answering..." Asta trailed off softly as he leaned back in his seat, his eyes going back to the static screen in front of him.

" Could another snowstorm have swept through the area? Or perhaps Yuno is away and that's why you can't reach him?" William suggested, and Asta nodded.

" Maybe...but still, if Yuno was away, he has the portable communication device. So he should still be able to answer me..." Asta muttered, and his gaze drifted from the screen to William again as the older man hummed.

" You have a point. I'll try to get a hold of Neva and see if it's just that our communications are down, or if it's something else." William said, and Asta smiled for the first time that morning.

" Thank you, Vangeance, that would be great!" Asta said, his tone full of relief as the other man nodded.

" Now that that's settled, shouldn't you get back to your paperwork before the Captain's meeting?" William asked with a raised brow, and he watched the smile fade from Asta's face as dread entered his eyes.

" Oh man, I forgot about the Captain's meeting today!"

As William walked out of Asta's office, which was now in chaos as he tried to quickly do his paperwork before the meeting, he hummed quietly and put a hand under his chin in thought. It was rare that Yuno ignored Asta's calls, especially nowadays, so for him to not answer and for Asta to have a bad feeling...

William quickly walked over to his desk and began to try to call Neva, and his heart sank into the pit of his stomach as she didn't answer.

Something was wrong, seriously wrong.


The Silva Residence

" Dang it, I missed again!" Kaiyo exclaimed as she watched her ball of Mercury fly past the target and instead hit the stone wall that was many feet behind the target. She hung her head down low as she doubled over in exasperation, she looked up slightly as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

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