An Intentional Sacrifice

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A/N: Hiya guys! I'm sorry this chapter is so late, I'm still not doing too well these days, but i'm slowly getting better! Not much happens in this chapter until the end. We see what happens with Kya, we get a small moment with YamiChar, we also get to see Josele (loosesodamarbles 's OC), and we get a hint of something coming up in chapters 9 and 10 hehe. I hope you all enjoy~!


A Week Later, Spade Kingdom

Yuno sat quietly in his chair that was beside the bed in his and Neva's master bedroom, a week had passed and Kya still hadn't woken up. The Healers came and checked on her everyday and said they couldn't figure out what was wrong. Her fever had gone away after three days, and color was slowly beginning to return to her face, which all indicated that she was getting better, so...why wasn't she waking up?

His amber eyes shifted from Kya, who was laid in the center of the bed between her siblings, to his wife Neva. She was beginning to look like she was withering away. Her face was pale, she had bags and dark circles under her eyes, she wasn't really sleeping or eating, and had only said a handful of words since they found Kya.

When Noelle and Asta had come to visit, she seemed to perk up a bit, but still didn't say very much. The last time he had seen her like this was when Captain Vangeance had betrayed them, and when they had just finished the battle against the Zogratis siblings.

" Neva," He called out to her softly as he leaned forward and placed a hand on her leg. " You should try to get some sleep, or maybe something to eat?" He suggested gently, and he watched her shake her head.

" Not tired, not hungry." She muttered as she ran a hand through her daughter's brown hair, but the girl didn't stir like she normally would when she felt her mother's touch.

" You need to eat, you need to sleep, how else are you going to be strong for Kya?" Yuno asked, his tone gentle but with a seriousness in it. Neva nodded, she knew he was right, but she just...couldn't bring herself to do either of those things.

Yuno stood up silently, walked to the other side of the bed, and crawled in to lay beside Kito, who was on the other side of Kya while Miku laid in front of Neva and between her and Kya.

Yuno reached over their three children and gently rubbed her arm soothingly before he moved it to cup her cheek. He silently watched her as her eyes searched his, he knew she always struggled expressing her feelings and being honest. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, trying to find the words or trying to come up with a convincing lie, he wasn't sure. But eventually he saw tears well in her eyes, tears she had been holding back for the last week.

" I remember the day she was born," Neva began softly, her voice going dry and a strained smile on her face. " She wasn't planned, at all, and she was so...tiny." Neva continued as the memory of the day she was born flashed in both their minds, Yuno nodded with a fond smile on his face.

" I remember how bright and sunny it was that day, since we rarely get those here," Yuno muttered as he looked from Neva to their daughter. " That morning you just happened to say 'I think today will be a good day' and then...Kya was born later that afternoon."

" Luckily, I wasn't in labor that long," Neva muttered. " I think she was ready to introduce herself to the world." Neva quietly joked and Yuno sighed before shaking his head.

" I'm sure she was, she made a very...loud entrance at that," Yuno lightly joked as he recalled how loudly Kya had screamed when she was born, he remembered the entire castle had managed to hear her. " And I remember the only times she didn't cry were when either you or I held her." He added a little more seriously.

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