No Rest for the Wicked

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A/N: Hiya guys! So here's chapter 3, I'm really enjoying this series so far and I hope you are too! I'll try and get back on my other one's shortly since I'm starting to miss them a bit (I also need to get back on writing requests 😭!) but I do apologize if this chapter is written funny or if there's a lot of typos or anything, I'm having to write on a computer due to my hands and I'm not used to it. Also Corduroy and Chenille belong to my mutual @/hybridanafrost on tumblr and I thank her for allowing me to use them 🥰! I hope you all enjoy~!

Also, I'll be posting the Bio's and picrews of the new Next Gen kids in my OC collection shortly so please look out for it!


Later That Same Day

Yami silently flew to the Hideout. His mind just kept going back to the memory of William coughing in the hallway and looking pale. They both knew he was lying when he said he was fine, or that he would be fine. But Yami hadn't wanted to call him out on it, William needed time to accept it himself and tell his son just how sick he really was and he was going to give his old friend that. Yami sighed and rana hand over his tired face, how he wished he hadn't quit smoking right now.

He finally landed outside the much expanded Hideout. Over the years, as the Black Bulls each got married and began having their own families, Yami had asked Henry to give everyone their own living space. That way the Bulls could all be together but also have some privacy. And so far it had worked out very well, but now that meant the Hideout had expanded up and out in order to accommodate them all.

But Yami and the others didn't mind. Because it meant they could all stay together.

Yami set his broom down against the wall of the Hideout before he moved towards the front door. Before he even opened the door he could already hear all the chaos and laughter happening on the inside, he couldn't help but smile a bit. This is something he had always wanted for his brats; them to be safe, happy, and laughing.

He opened the door and immediately had to dodge a misdirected spell that came at him. He sighed and shook his head before he moved out of the way and closed the front door. The ones sparring were, as usual, Luck and Magna. Even as those two idiots got older they still sparred like they were teenagers. Meanwhile Magna's kids Corduroy and Chenille just watched, Chenille with a nervous look on her face, and Corduroy with a grin on his face.

" Wow dad you're so cool!" Cory shouted as he watched his dad dodge one of Luck's spells, Magna turned and gave his son a thumbs up.

" Thanks son, that means a lot!" But as soon as the words left Magna's lips he immediately got hit by one of Luck's spells.

" You shouldn't have taken your eyes off your target Magna!" Luck laughed cheerfully as Magna growled.

" I should have gone with mom to the fabric store," Chenille said quietly.

Yami shook his head once again before he looked around the room. Henry's daughter Alice was sitting on the couch, quietly reading the same book that she always read. Despite inheriting her fathers magic, luckily she hadn't inherited her fathers illness so she could freely be around the other Bulls without the fear of siphoning their mana. Beside her was Aloys Adlai, who was also reading a book, he was exactly like his father but with his mothers magic. Beside him was Wendy Agrippa, Gordon's eldest child and only daughter, she was sewing a doll just like father always did. She had the face of her mother, but her eyes and hair color were that of her fathers, and her magic was a variation of her fathers. On the other side of the room was Wendy's younger twin brothers Thomas and Nicholas, they were the spitting image of their father in appearance and, in Nico's case, magic as well. Thomas kept his hair slicked back like his father, while Nico kept his hair messy, that was the only way to tell them apart. The two were talking and playing with Maelie Adlai.

Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past (A Black Clover Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant