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A/N: Hiya  guys! I'm trying my best to keep my once a week schedule, but it might slack off a bit as I try to catch up on other things (like my event, requests, and other series), also I apologize that I haven't answered messages, Dms, Comments, or anything like that I'm just not doing to well right now, and usually I say 'but it'll get better!' but sadly I don't foresee that happening anytime soon. But I'll try and answer everything soon, and I hope you all enjoy 🥰!

Ace and Josslyn belong to Rising_Generation while Cory and Chenille belong to @/hybridanafrost on tumblr


The Next Morning, After the Party was Over

Finral just stared at the mess that was in the Hideout's common area and dining room, it looked like a tornado had gone through! There was trash and empty glasses everywhere, some leftover food crumbs, and even some scorch marks from Luck and Magna's brawl! Finral groaned before he slumped forward in defeat, where did he even begin?!

Usually Asta was the one who cleaned the Hideout after parties, gatherings, or on just any given day. But now that he was gone, the cleaning was left to Finral, and sometimes Ezio.

Finral walked around the room, grumbling about how everyone was adults, and so they should be able to clean up after themselves now, when he suddenly heard soft snoring from the couch. He turned to see who was snoring, and a soft smile appeared on his face.

Laying on the couch, an empty wine bottle in her arms, was his wife Vanessa, and on the floor in front of the couch was their son Ezio. Finral walked over to them and crouched down, apparently the two hadn't stopped partying even after everyone went to sleep. The two were surprisingly similar when it came to partying and having fun, although Ezio was a little more...cautious than his mother. He would party and have fun, but at the same time made sure everyone was safe and cared for. He would go around and scold people who were being too rowdy, but wouldn't take it too far.

Ezio was like the perfect combination of them.

Vanessa suddenly stretched her arms before throwing one around her son's shoulder, he watched her smile as though she recognized that, and she suddenly squeezed him close.

" Geez, even when you're sleeping, you're still clingy," Finral muttered with a chuckle as he stroked his wife's face and patted his son's head. " But then again, I already knew that,"

" Morning, Uncle Finral!" Brielle Silva, daughter of Asta and Noelle, suddenly shouted loudly. Causing him to jump.

" By the gods!" He shouted in fright as he suddenly turned around to look at the young girl with wide and fearful eyes. " Don't just shout like that, Brielle, you could've given me a heart attack!"

" Sorry, Uncle Finral, I forget you're at the age where you can have a heart attack at any little sudden noise!" Brielle said with a nervous laugh as she rubbed her head sheepishly, Finral glared at the girl.

" Seriously? How old do you think I am?!" Finral shouted, but she ignored him.

" Do you want me to help you clean up? I usually help papa around the house and in his office!" Brielle asked after she took a look around the room, Finral suddenly felt his annoyance dissipate and tears well up in his eyes at her offer.

" That would be wonderful." He sniffled as he watched the girl nod before reached over and grabbing a rag and tying it around her head.

" Alright, let's do this!"

As the Spatial mage watched her shout and clean the dining area, he couldn't help but watch her with a fond smile, she acted so much like her father it was almost uncanny. He had been a little concerned though when Noelle had called them last night and told them to watch the girls for a few days, she had said everything was fine but, it didn't sound that way. But the girls seemed very happy to be back at the Bulls, and admittedly the Bulls were all happy to have them there as well. Finral turned to give his wife and son one last warm look before he stood up and helped Brielle clean.

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