Lovers Rock

11 0 0

Half past eleven, a car driving down an empty road 

Music is playing loudly from the speakersI'm sitting in the passenger seat 

Cigarette light shines like two miniature suns 

We own the world, we both know it 

The neck, dotted with purple spots, pulses to the rhythm 

After you kissed me at the gas station 

Your perfume is part of my scent 

You squeeze my knee, I close my eyes, I release a cloud of smoke into the ether 

If I'm not watching you, I'm following the veil of the moon 

And I imagine us holding hands 

I'd rather not see the end of this road 

Because this is the moment the universe is on my side 

But when I fall asleep tonight, we'll be next to each other 

After we both drown in red wine 

When I stroke your hair, my heart beats louder 

I could feel this heat inside even if it wasn't the end of July 

I want to frame you, name our baby after you 

I throw the cigarette butt out the window, I feel so young 

I've always waited for someone to show me what passion can do 


I only love You!

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