Start from the beginning

In the quiet corners of her mind, she questioned the nature of this attraction, a puzzle missing essential pieces. Ayman's patient presence became a source of both solace and intrigue, a guiding star in the midst of her internal tempest.

Maha walked around the house quietly, it looked familiar and yet she didn't remember the owner of the house, it was weird and awkward at the same time. Ayman had been nothing but a gentle man, she was sure that she had started falling inlove with him all over again even without her memories. His presence greatly affected her and she didn't want him to leave and go to work everyday, everyday before he went to work he had to pamper her like a little child before she would let him go. He had not been in his office for a year and there were things that needed his attention personally, Ummita had done a good job, he knew she would.

She stood beside her bedroom door quietly, she didn't know what exactly she was doing but she didn't feel like entering the room, suddenly she remembered something. She remembered her standing outside this same door as she told a man she wanted the room because it is decorated in pink, the fog that closed her memory opened and in her memory she realized she was speaking to a bored looking Ayman. Many more memories become clear and her eyes widened in shock as everything came rushing back to her.

'I will leave after a year if you don't fall in love with me.'

'I'm not a little bunny.'

'You can do whatever you want.'

'Mummy's boy finally spoke to mummy?'

'I'm starting to forget how Aisha's voice is.'

'Why do you take the drugs?'

'All i see is a girl scarred by her past and unable to move on.'

'Continue dey deceive yourself.'

'Nur.' All these words from their previous  conversation came back to her, the fog trapping her memory were finally lifted and then.... she remembered the last words he had texted her before she had lost conciousness.

'Meet me at ethereal eats.'

In the intricate dance of rediscovery, Maha found herself ensconced in a mélange of emotions. The elusive fragments of memory, akin to delicate brushstrokes, began to coalesce, revealing a mosaic of moments shared with Ayman. As the tendrils of recollection wove through the tapestry of her consciousness, joy and sadness pirouetted in a delicate balance.

A surge of happiness cascaded over her, an effervescent stream bubbling within. Each remembered smile, shared laughter, and tender gaze painted the canvas of her heart with hues of affection. It was as if a sunbeam had pierced the clouds of forgetfulness, casting a warm glow on the recesses of her mind. In those moments of recognition, Maha felt the exhilarating embrace of a love that had patiently waited in the wings.

Yet, interwoven with the jubilation was the subtle undercurrent of sorrow. The awareness of lost time, the ephemeral nature of memory, and the realization that some chapters of her life remained elusive brought a tinge of melancholy to her emotions. Like a wistful melody, the strains of what could have been lingered in the background.

Her hands trembled as she navigated through the labyrinth of her memories, each step a delicate dance on the tightrope between forgetting and remembering. The act of reclaiming moments, once buried in the recesses of her mind, became a testament to the courage required to traverse the delicate terrain of rekindled memories.

As recollection took its tentative hold, Maha's heart fluttered with anticipation and trepidation. The symphony of conflicting emotions echoed through the corridors of her being. The journey through her past, guided by Ayman's patient narration, unfolded like the turning of well-worn pages in a cherished book.

Match Made in jannah | (jannah series #1)Where stories live. Discover now