"Yes Luna" it was my first time hearing him call me by name and I must admit, I did love it.

"How?" My brows furrowed in confusion while my heart raced in anticipation for his reply.

"The explanation doesn't matter right now Tesoro, all I want is to be engulfed in your angelic presence" his words caused explosion in my belly and my heart swelled with more affection for him. I felt the spot I kept specially for him four years ago open with full force and this time I don't think I'll ever close it up.

A light giggle escaped my lips and I looked down at my feet with my wet curls covering my face.

"I never imagined you could be cheesy" I blurted out what was in my mind. He came closer and placed his index underneath my chin, then he raised my head up so I was looking at him.

"You think that was cheesy?" He asked with amusement glistening in his eyes

"Y..yes" I replied shyly and unconsciously bit the corner of my bottom lip. The way his jaw clenched ever so slightly made my pulse quicken. His eyes, already intense, darkened with desire, as if a tempest of emotions surged beneath the surface.

The air was thick with anticipation as his eyes locked onto mine, his gaze was filled with a mix of hunger and longing. The tension between us was palpable, thick like the air before a thunderstorm, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, the tips of my fingers tingling with electricity.

The air between us crackled, the moment
charged with emotion and desire. I could feel the heat rising, my pulse quickened, and my breath became shallow. I knew that something was about to happen, something inevitable and powerful.

As he pulled me close, i felt the strength of his arms and the steady beat of his heart. I could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne, and it felt like we were the only two people in the universe. He leaned in slowly, our bodies moving as one and the space between us gradually disappeared.

The air around us was heavy with emotion, the anticipation thick and palpable. I could feel his breath on my skin and I'm sure he could feel mine too. My heart was pounding heavily against my chest, and sweat formed on my forehead. It was a moment that was both tender and passionate, a moment that would stay with me forever.

My emotions rode me away from earth into a different universe. I was lost in the cloud of passion that i didn't realize when his lips captured mine.

The kiss was like a rollercoaster, taking me on a dizzying ride through my emotions. It was thrilling and terrifying, exciting and exhilarating. I could feel the tension building within me, like a coiled spring ready to burst. His touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine. I felt like i was falling, tumbling through space and time, my senses were overwhelmed by the power of our connection.

Slowly, he pulled away and rested his head on mine. One arm around my waist, and the other cupping my cheek while he stared into the depth of my soul.

I was left breathless, with a pounding heart and my mind spinning. This is a memory that would forever be imprinted in my heart.

"You're so beautiful Luna, so beautiful" I didn't get an opportunity to thank him, he locked our lips again. This time it was so intense and driven with more passion. His arm dropped from waist and rested my on my ass, the feeling of his hand there caused a bomb to explode in my belly.

"Ru..... "Just enjoy the moment Tesoro" he whispered and pulled my closer, leaving no space for friction between our bodies.

 "Just enjoy the moment Tesoro" he whispered and pulled my closer, leaving no space for friction between our bodies

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I woke up with a burst of energy, a smile curving my lips as i inhaled the morning air. I could feel the possibilities of the day, like a blank canvas waiting to be painted. I felt like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, ready to spread its wings and fly. I took a deep breath, the morning light streaming through my window, filled me with the promise of a beautiful day.

Last night crashed into my head, and my smile broadened. I felt like going around the world and telling everyone that my dream has finally come true. I had no friend to share this...... Marietta crossed my mind and instantly I was hit with sadness.

It's two months since she left, I still haven't heard anything from her, I hope she's doing okay wherever she is.

"Tesoro" his morning voice interrupted my moment and my eyes widened. I felt a rush of emotions wash over me, nervousness being the most prominent one.

How am I supposed to look at him and not feel the way I felt last night? I can't forget the way my body, heart, soul and of course the little flower between my legs reacted to him last night. If I see him, I may just squirt on my shorts.

My eyes went wide at my thoughts and I shook my head frantically to get rid of the unhealthy image.

"Luna, Are you in there? Is everything alright?" He asked, concern audible in his tone.

"Y...yes, everything is alright Russo, i..I just need to take a shower, do you need something?"

"I'll wait for you downstairs" I heard the soft thud of his feet and soon I felt his absence. I released a breath of relief and rub my cold palms together.

'I need to be control of my hormones because if I let it control, I'll only make a fool of myself in his presence'

'I need to be control of my hormones because if I let it control, I'll only make a fool of myself in his presence'

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