VII: Snowman

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After all the presents and gifts were given to everyone, it was time to eat. 

"Man," Sam said. "I'm starving. Who wants to cook what?" Claire raised her hand. "I'm on pancakes."

"I can do bacon," Charlie said. "No," Sam said, shaking his head. "Dean always cooks the bacon. Let's leave that to him."

Dean wasn't with them at the moment. He went to his room to change his out of his cowboy outfit. He had also asked Cas to go with him. "Cas," he said, throwing the shirt on his head. "Do you want to go build a snowman later today?" Cas tilted his head. "Do people still do that?" Dean turned around. "Um, hell yeah they do! It's so fun!" There was a knock at the door. "Yo, Dean," Sam said on the other side of the door. "Are you coming to make bacon?" 

"Yeah," Dean hollered. "We're on our way right now." Cas got off the bed. "Does this mean we're building a snowman?" Dean smiled. "Hell yeah, it does."


After breakfast, everyone got their snow gear on. Castiel had walked to Dean's room after he was done getting ready. He knocked on the door. "Dean, I'm coming in." He opened the door and stepped in. Dean froze. "Woah," he said. "You really fit in." Cas nodded, looking at himself in the mirror. "Yes. I love how this looks." Dean walked over. "Wait," he said, pointing to the angel's hat. "I'll fix your hat for you." Once he was done, Dean took a step back to admire his work. Well, mostly to admire Cas in general. "There," Dean stated. "Now you're all ready to build a snowman." The angel beamed. "Thank you, Dean."

Everyone headed outside and started playing in the snow. Dean started to make a giant ball of snow on the ground. "What are you doing?" Cas asked, tilting his head. "I'm building the base of the snowman," Dean replied. "Wanna help?" Cas shrugged and started shoveling snow. "Now that it's big, we carefully roll it to collect more snow," Dean said, pushing the snowball. "Can you  go gather sticks and rocks for our snowman's face, buttons, and arms?" Cas looked around. "Uh, sure."

As Cas went to gather sticks and rocks, Charlie walked over. "You're in love with him," she said, teasing him. "Knock it off, Charlie," Dean responded with a glare. "You wanna kiss him," she whispered. She then started making kissing noises. Dean rolled his eyes. "No I don't! Leave me alone!" He picked up some snow and made a snowball then tossed it into her face. "Ha!" he grinned. 'Get dunked on!" 

"What's going o-" Just as Cas came back, he got hit in the face with a snowball. "Oh shit!" Charlie yelled. "I'm sorry!" The redhead ran back to Stevie, who also happened to be building her own snowman. Dean ran over to Cas, laughing like an idiot. "I'm so sorry, Cas," he claimed, wiping the snow out of the angel's eyes. Once the snow was out of his eyes, They locked eye contact. Dean felt this weird feeling again. The same feeling he got when they kissed the night before. 

Dean raised the angel's chin, making them both lean in. Cas closed his eyes as he felt Dean's lips on his. The kiss was magical. Who knew that love felt so great? Of course, Dean's been in love before, but this was different. It wasn't like this when he was with Lisa. Or Cassie, or for anyone that matter. When they pulled apart, they stared at each other. "Whoo!" Charlie yelled, clapping. Her clapping slowed down as she realized that no one was gonna join in with her. "No whoo?" Sam shook his head. 

"I'm ready to go in," Cas mumbled. He walked past Dean and went inside. "I made a mistake, didn't I?" Everyone nodded. Dean sighed and looked down. "Well?" Jody said. "Are you just gonna stand here, or are you gonna go fix it?" Dean opened his mouth to speak. "I don't even wanna hear it," she snapped. "Go right now, Dean Winchester." She mumbled something about having to deal with childish behavior even in adults under her breath as she picked up snow and continued to make her snowman with Donna. Dean looked at Sam who shrugged. "Go," he mouthed. Dean sighed, then went inside to look for the angel he hurt.


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