II: Make It to Christmas

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Now that Castiel was convinced that Dean was going to go to the party, he got to work. There were only a couple of days until the party on Christmas Eve, and the bunker needed some decor. The plan was to have a small party filled with everyone they knew, Jody, Donna, and all the others, have a good time, and then spend the holiday together. Dean loves to party, but isn't the type to actually put the event together himself. He's only there for the booze and the burgers. But, this party was different. Sam and Dean haven't seen Jody and the girls in forever, so Dean was happy to spend Christmas day with them. He just didn't want to decorate.

"Hmm," Sam said, looking at the list of Christmas stuff and then the box in front of him filled with decor. "Yeah, this isn't gonna be enough." Dean walked into the room. "Hey, Dean. I need a favor." Dean sighed. "If you're gonna ask me to hang these crappy lights up, the answer is no." Sam chuckled. "No, I stopped asking a long time ago. I need you to run down to the department store and get some of the stuff on the list. Including new crappy lights." Dean raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, what? You want me to go into town at this time of the year? With all those fruit cake eaters and all those wreath sellers? Yeah, no. Absolutely not."

Castiel walked in from the garage carrying a giant wreath. He walked past Dean, whose jaw dropped. "Where did you get that?" Cas paused. "The garage?" The older Winchester rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well I got that. I'm asking what store you got that from." Castiel chuckled nervously. "Oh. I got it from this place down the road. They have really good stuff for cheap. This wreath was only $25 so I grabbed it." The angel noticed the paper in Sam's hand. He snatched it. "Dude!" Sam exclaimed. "Hey, they have new lights there. I can go get them," Cas said. "And I can pick up a couple of coffees while I'm out there." Sam raised an eyebrow. "Um, are you sure? Because we all know how much you hate having to take more than one trip with bringing stuff in."

"Yeah, it's okay. Dean's coming with me." Dean looked at him in surprise. "I am?" Castiel nodded. "Yeah. Your trunk is the biggest and I didn't realize that not getting an oil change could lead to engine failure. So, your car is the only one that works well." Dean sighed. "Oh, how I love being volunteered for outdoor activities." Cas smiled and pushed a random hair out of Dean's face. "Go put an actual coat on. I heard it's gonna be really cold." The angel grabbed the reef and headed to the door. "We're leaving in ten." Dean felt the blush creep onto his cheeks. He stood there, unable to move. "Ahem," Sam said. Dean looked at him. The younger brother smirked. "Shut up," Dean said, storming off. "Just admit it, you very much could have a date if you were honest!" Sam yelled out as he fiddled with a loose piece of pine in the bottom of the box.


It had been awhile since Castiel had ditched his trench coat for the season. Dean had made a statement about how it was too hot for him to be wearing it, and wanted him to change clothes. Castiel was taken aback by this, and out of spite and anger, ditched it for good. He now only wears whatever everyone is wearing, checking the weather and all. Just because he stopped wearing it, doesn't mean he got rid of it. So, when he brought it back out that day, Dean was surprised.

"Woah," he said. "I thought you got rid of that thing." Castiel glared at him. "It's not a thing, Dean. It's my trench coat that I've missed very much." Dean rolled his eyes and smiled. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with." The two of them got in the car and started to drive to the little department store. Half way there, Castiel turned on the radio, and Christmas music was playing. "Ugh," Dean said. "Who put you on the planet?" Castiel said with a smile. "Lighten up a little."

Castiel sang along to the lyrics of the song as Dean drove. Dean couldn't stop himself from staring at him. Seeing Cas this happy made him happy. When they arrived at the store, a lady was there at the door. "Hello, Castiel," she said with a smile. "Back again?" He nodded. "Yes, after seeing that reef, I figured we could replace some of our other stuff as well." She looked at Dean. "You're new. What's your name?" Dean smiled, and stuck his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Dean. How do you and Cas know each other?"

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