Chapter 2- The Avatar

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I stared back at Kyana in shock. All I managed to utter back faintly was "what?...". There's no way that the Avatar could be here in the Northern Water Tribe, it just didn't make sense. Despite my denial, Kyana seemed extremely enthusiastic.

"Yes! He arrived here fifteen minutes ago! I saw him getting sailed down this canal!" she boasted, pointing at the canal that was situated underneath the ice bridge that we stood on. I still stood motionless, with my brain working at a million miles a minute, while Kyana carried on talking. "And you'll never guess what! The rumours were right, he is an airbender!". This snapped me out of my trance.

"What?! The airbenders have been dead for a hundred years," I shouted in shock with wide eyes, and surely surprise on my face.

"I know! But I saw the arrow on his head, he was definitely an airbender!" Kyana explained enthusiastically.

"Fascinating..." I muttered, trying to figure everything out in my head to no avail. "I hope I get to have a conversation with him," I said. It would be a dream come true to speak to the Avatar.

Despite the exciting news, I knew that I still had my regularly busy day of training ahead, so we started walking towards the ice palace like we always did. Of course, the topic of the Avatar never left our conversations the entire walk until we separated. The rest of my day continued as normal, except I had an extra spring in my step throughout due to the news. While I was eating lunch, I was informed that there would be a community feast tonight to 'welcome a special guest'. I wonder who that could be.

In the evening, when the sky had become dark, many members of the population sat in the ice palace for the special feast. As I entered the palace for the feast, I saw the chief sat at his usual large ice throne at the front. Instantly, I rapidly drew my eyes all over the room to look for any sign of the Avatar. It didn't take me long at all; next to the chief sat a young, bald, boy with a blue arrow on his head. 'That must be the Avatar!' I thought. But it confused me. Although I was looking from a distance, I could tell that the boy was way younger than a hundred years old, which is how old the Avatar should be if he is an airbender. 'I have so many questions to ask him' I thought to myself, silently praying that I get an opportunity to talk to him.

I took an empty seat that was next to Kyana, which had a good view of the chief's row of seats. Next to the Avatar were two young people, probably around the same age as me, who wore water tribe attire. However I didn't recognise either of them, so I assumed that they must be travelling with the Avatar. Then, my gaze moved to the creature next to the four kids. I could only describe it as a humongous, white wildebeest. I watched as growled menacingly at some workers that had brought it leaves to eat. Suddenly the chief raised from his seat, which caused everyone to hush their murmurs.

"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the southern tribe," he announced as he gestured to the young boy and girl dressed in blue. Their clothing now made sense to me: they were from the Southern Water Tribe. "And they have brought with them someone very special. Someone who many of us believed disappeared from the world until now," the chief continued, before gesturing down at the bald kid that sat next to him. "The Avatar!" he announced, and he received a round of applause from everyone in the crowd, myself included. The chief went on to announce that his daughter, Princess Yue, was of marrying age, before master Pakku and his waterbending performers started their show.

While everyone else was watching the waterbending show, or tucking into their feasts, I decided now would be the best time to see if I could get near the Avatar. I silently decided to leave my seat and walk up to the chief, hoping that my personal connection to him could get me a conversation with the Avatar. Lucky for me, the chief saw me approaching and gave me a big smile.

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