[9]: A Swordman's Way

Start from the beginning

"Eighty thousand. He was intelligent believe me I found him mumbling to himself in human language!"

"My... Don't think such thing exist... Whatever it was I just need a dog guarding my house, Deal."
The girl smile start to shrunk as she felt something was off... She offered a handshake and Edgard accept it before...
A bullet flies off but he dodged just a second before reaching out his sword in his back.
"Nice but we could just settle in without a fight."

"Oh No No No! You are no more less than a spy huh?"
The girl chuckles as she then pull the trigger but Edgard slice it off in half easily, Seeing this the girl quickly took a chance to activate her mic.

The girl screamed into the mic before Edgard send her flying into the before he spun while reaching a rag and giving it some chloroform before he cover the girl's face with it.

The girl let out some muffled scream before a second she became quiet and limp, Successful on sedating the boss he quickly approach the door before causing a whole catastrophe again but as he open the door...
His sword clash into other one, He saw the silver bit of those blade in a corner of his eye. Guess he can't go using the safe way again...

Edgard swing his blade forward as the person who confront him was split into two part as blood flows out of it as if it was a fountain.

Edgard put his blade into heat as fire start to grew out of it, He stormed down into the hall as he swing his sword forward here and there as blood soaked him in a feeling of guilty.
But therefore he must do it...

He swings his blade forward as two man slaughtered once again by him but then his hand flies to clash his sword again, He charges forward causing the person in front of him to trip over and fell.

Edgard swiftly spun his blade into vertical version before thrusting it to the person's gut... A bunch of screaming flies over into his ears but he kept a firm expression still on that face.

Edgard rushes forward to confront more enemies just to swing his hand with his sword up and down to the left and right... Until he rip them open with their guts and liver outside of their body.

A second of rushing forward while thrusting his blade forward and swishing it to his side, He reached the main room where all the beast are caged...

He saw all the personnel scream in fear while trying to get the cage open and carry the beast somewhere else, They struggle before.
Edgard blitzes forward to decapitate one person's head as it burn into ashes, The other personnel stare at him shocked at his thunderous speed.

"What are You looking at?"
Edgard's body flicker to swing his legs left and right, Sending the personnel flying to crash onto other personnel on his right.

Edgard's eyeball flies everywhere just to find that black stripped wolf gone from here, He groaned out of frustration before stormed out to find his way out.

He discover a few hall and a few minutes later he found the exit as he jumps out of that bloody place just to find every eyes onto him with that much blood in his robe and pants.

He quickly looks to his left to find a huge truck leaving the arena from it garage, He quickly darts over it back with an inhuman speed just to find himself being pulled back as he reach the back of it.

He felt the rope grappling onto his neck tight as then his blade flies to cut it, He sense something before moving his head to his right and just as his sense, A feline hind leg come to slam him.

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