18. the search is upon us

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The need for water evident on their stratchy throats. An aching dehydration as they continued to search for allies and sustenance. Rhaeserra wanted to take off some of the pressure for Dany.

"You know the dragon that laid the eggs of yours was Dreamfyre. My mother said she was a beautiful danger but is that not what all dragons are. Dreamfyre belonged to Viserra's aunt Helaena Targaryen before the dance",

"Really?", Daenerys mused.

"Yes, your children have many stories of where they came from much like you.",

"You know you are the first to not believe me mad like my father for calling them my children".

"Regardless of who Aerys was, you are not mad. You are a dragon and nobody can tell you otherwise especially not some fat king- oh dear god I sound like Olenna",


"Olenna Tyrell, I knew her when she was younger. I was fostered in Highgarden as a maid. But nevertheless she gives good advice as do I",

"I feel a part of me will always be undermined whether it be by Robert Baratheon or anybody else".

"Dany, there is no escape of that feeling. We are women so men think us weak when it is us who has the power to make them drop to their knees",

"I am glad I have you Rhae, I cannot help but feel a little lost".

"You would have found your way with or without me. I am glad it is with me however because I now know what my mother meant when she talked about Viserra and their friendship".

"I promised to protect them, promised that their enemies would die screaming. How do I make salvation scream",

"A trick I never learned I'm afraid",

"Does it ever end?".

"This is further East than I have ever been but yes Khaleesi, everything ends even the red waste",

"And your sure there's no other way".

"There is South till the land of the Lazerene, the land men will kill us and take your dragons. We go West to the Dothraki sea, the first Khalisal we meet will kill us and take your dragons",

"No one will take my dragons".

"They are too weak to fight as are your people. You must be their strength",

"As you and Rhae are mine".

They all continued to walk. Blistering heat under the raging sun. Rhaeserra walked beside Daenerys who was trying to feed Drogon who sat on her shoulder.

"What did your brother say about them Khaleesi?",

"He said they eat meat, he didn't say what kind. He didn't know anything about dragons, he didn't know anything about anything".

"Indeed Dany, indeed", Rhaeserra chuckled. Why is it every Targaryen named Viserys thought himself more powerful than he actually was?

They arrived at the borders of Quarth. Famished and dirty but alive at least.

"Its no Dragonstone but it will do for now", Rhaeserra chimed.

"Dragonstone, I scarcely remember it",

"It is your true home Dany, you could never truly forget it. The last memories of your mother, your birth and your legacy. Dragonstone tells the story of many Targaryens aswell as yours".

They were cut off by a man stepping out along with soldiers wielding spears.

"I thought we were welcome?",

"If you saw a Dothraki hoard coming towards your home with the reputation they have you would be cautious aswell Dany", Rhaeserra explained.

"Indeed, you would do the same", Jorah stated.

"My name is Daenerys St-",

"Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen".

"You know me, my lord?",

"Only by reputation, Khaleesi and I am no Lord. I am merely a humble merchant".

"They call you the mother of dragons",

"And what should I call you?".

"Oh my name is long and difficult to pronounce. I am simply a trader of spices but we are the thirteen. Charged with the governance of Qarth, the greatest city that every was or will be".

"You speak highly of your home, have you ever actually been anywhere else but Qarth?", Rhaeserra questioned.

"I apologise my lady but I do not know who you are?",

"You needn't know who I am for it is the Khaleesi that is of importance here, you would be wise to listen to her".

"Very well but I must ask, might we see the dragons?".

Daenerys looked back before addressing the man again. Rhaeserra scoffed at his request.

"My- friend. We have travelled very far, we have no food and no water. Once I see my people fed, I would be honered",

He cut her off, again.

"Forgive me, mother of dragons but no man alive has seen a living dragon. Some of my more skeptical friends find it hard to believe, your children even exist. All we ask is a chance to prove it",

"I am not a liar".

"I don't think you are but as I have never met you before, my opinion on the matter is of limited value",

"Where I come from, guests are treated with respect and not insulted at the gates".

"Then perhaps you should return from where you come from, we wish you well",

"Coward", Rhaeserra sneered. Daenerys walked towards the retreating man angrily.

"What are you doing? You promised to receive me",

"We have received you. Here we are and here you are".

"If you not let us in, all of us will die",

"Which we shall deeply regret but Qarth did not become the greatest city that ever was or will be by letting Dothraki savages or rude women who seek to insult people through its gates".

"Khaleesi, please be careful",

"Thirteen. When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me. We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground, turn us away and we will burn you first".

"Ah, you are a true Targaryen. Like Viserra Targaryen, you claim to dispose of your enemies and yet as you said a moment ago, of we turn you away, you will all die",

"Retreating to a little girl is not becoming of great greatest city that ever was or will be".

"The discussion is over Xaro Xhoan Daxos. The thirteen have spoken",

"I am one of the thirteen and I am still speaking".

"The girl threatens to burn our city to the ground and you would invite her in for a cup of wine",

"She is the mother of dragons, you expect her to watch her people starve without breathing fire? I believe we can allow a few Dothraki through our gates without dooming our city. After all, here I am a savage from the summer Isles and Qarth still stands",

"Our decision is final".

"Very well. I envoke sumai",

He withdrew his blade and placed it in his closed fist.

"I will vouch for her, her people and her dragons in accordance with the law",

He pulled the blade away to show the bleeding cut on his palm.

"Be it on your head",

"Or yours", Rhaeserra uttered.

"Welcome to Qarth, my lady".

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