9. the green council.

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Viserra and Rhaenyra returned to Dragonstone. They felt free whilst riding Syrax and Shadowfyre, the wind lapping against there silver blonde hair. They were in their element in the skies, nothing could worry them. At least not until the news of what happened reached them.
Alicent and Otto waited for them to leave the keep before announcing their plan to ursurp Rhaenyra and place Aegon on the throne. The news of Viserys' death spread like wildfire amongst all the people of Kings landing. Ser Criston and Aemond were racing against time and the Cargyll twins to find Aegon. The older prince was desperate to escape his future, he knew if they went through with it; Viserra would never forgive him. She and Daemon would slaughter every last one of them.

"Here I am, looking for my moronic older brother who just ran away at the first uttering of him becoming king. What man does not want the power to rule the seven kingdoms, he must be mad to give up being so important. Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy. Tis I who trains with a sword and rides the largest dragon in the world. Tis I who should be-", Aemond cut himself off. He was many things but a traitor to his mother wasn't one of them. He had to face that Aegon would be king because Alicent wanted it that way.

"My prince? Look". Otto was meeting the white wyrm, Mysaria. Little did he know, Mysaria had an agreement with Viserra four years ago. Viserra, fourteen name days old met with the white wyrm.
"What can you, a child, offer me?",

"I may be a child but I am quite advanced. I came to offer you a way of getting what you want. You dislike that girls some even younger than me are forced to work as whores like you were. Cast aside like vermin for the pleasure of men who simply do not care for how young they are. You do want to help them all, don't you?",

"You Targaryen's think everybody wants you, you overestimate the value of your influence".

"My bloodline is irrelevant to my value. I have the power to help you make a difference as long as you inform me of all goings on that you know of",

"Your fire reminds me of someone",

"My father, well my true father. You knew him, he even went as far to steal a dragon egg for your child who was yet to even be created",

"Daemon. He is your father?".

"Why yes, but that isn't the reason I sought you out. I know the power you hold",

"And the power you hold, we are similar in that we have the ability to get what we want but we are so different in the way we assert ourselves",

"How so?", Viserra replied.

"We are both women, we can bring me to their knees with the simplest of act. But like me you will never truly be free to live as you please".

"I suppose you are right and that is why we should come to an agreement. I should like to hear from you when Prince Aegon comes to seek you out.",

"Very well little princess but how can you be so sure he will come to me?". Mysaria was as intelligent as she was manipulative. Nobody gave her credit for what she understood, she knew there was something about Viserra that made her different from others in her family.

"I have seen it. Four years from now my grandsire will die and Aegon will run to you to hide him because of the usurping cunts he calls a family who desperately want Hightower blood on the throne. The hand will seek to meet with you I only wish to know exactly when it happens. I have foresee what will happen but not when".

"I will do it for a price, you want to help those girls as much as I. You would have done it either way so I want reassurance. ",

"I figured you would say that, you are a smart woman after all. Does gold work, also I will assign you one of my trusted companions to assist our ongoing agreement".

The Devil's dream. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora