1. the beginning

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(Starts after Daemon returns from the stepstones)
Rhaenyra Targaryen was returning from her tour for a potential husband. When she was on the boat,a large red dragon with a unique roar. The blood wyrm, Caraxes, swerved his large form into the mast rocking it harshly. If Caraxes was here, that meant the Rogue prince was back again. Rhaenyra desired her uncle and she had done so for years.
She went inside the throne room, the disappointed glare from her father was evident when he saw his daughter back three moons before she was supposed to be. Then in walked his younger brother, Daemon Targaryen wearing a makeshift crown. He threw an axe to the floor.

"Add it to the chair", he mused.
"You wear a crown, do you also call yourself king?".

"When we smashed the triachy, they named me king of the Narrow sea. But you and I both know there is only one king your grace. My crown and the stepstones are yours".
He knelt down for his brother, his king.

"Rise", Viserys embraced his younger brother. Rhaenyra watched amused.  She had missed Daemon, like every time she did when he left.

Later, in the gardens...
Rhaenyra walked over to the table and took the lemon off of one of the cakes, thinking she was unnoticed but she wasn't. There would never be a time when he didn't notice her. She looked at him to find him already staring, violet clashed with lavender. Viserys was oblivious to the lingering looks but the queen was not. After everything, Rhaenyra returned to her chambers to find a bag of old ragged clothes and a roll of parchment. She knew who it was from, she always knew when it came to Daemon. She put the clothes on, the hat concealing her silver-blonde hair. The Targaryen's could only hide if they concealed their valyrian features.
She met him in the tunnels built by Maegor the cruel. He led her to the streets of Kings landing. They went around, Rhaenyra saw things she had never experienced before. After wandering for a while, Daemon led her to a building. When they entered, Rhaenyra realised it was a pleasure house. All around were men and women fucking openly, taking their pleasure for their own. Daemon was amused to see her fascination.
"Fucking is a pleasure for anybody to partake in, marriage can be a prison if it is not to somebody you want for the rest of your days on this earth".

"I am not sure I understa-", She got cut off as Daemon kissed her harshly. She kissed him back with the passion of a thousand fires. Her dainty hands reached up to pull his now short hair. They both desired each other greatly. The two fucked each other passionately until they both were spent. There sweaty skin clung to one another as they relished in the feeling of each other being so close to one another.

They got up and dressed themselves again. They left back to the keep. Once they arrived back to Rhaenyra's chamber, Daemon left much to the amusement of Otto Hightower, who had spies to inform him. Otto told the king but Viserys would not take lightly to slanders against his daughter and so shunned the Hightower Lord. Lynonel Strong took his place. Viserys despite appearing naive knew not to question Rhaenyra but this was not beyond Daemon. Alicent, upset at the loss of her father at court took it upon herself to question her once friend.
"Did you do it?", the young Queen asked.
"What?", Rhaenyra replied.
"Did you fuck your uncle in a pleasure house?",
"No, Alicent I swear this to you", although the princess did not enjoy lying to her, she knew she would have to protect her reputation as the heir.
"You Targaryen's do have queen customs".

Later on...
Evangeline was preparing Rhaenyra's bath when the princess remembered something dire. She had not drank moon tea after all, how could she obtain it if she was so adamant nothing transpired between her and Daemon. Her lady was not as oblivious as others but she did not judge Rhaenyra. Why was it that men could fuck whoever they felt like and yet women are slandered for doing the same?

"Are you sure you do not want me to fetch you something for your predicament, Princess?",
"No Evangeline, I fear it is too late but let us hope there will be nothing to worry about-".
Viserys then knocked and excused Evangeline. He was furious but couldn't bring himself to blame anybody other than his brother.

"You will wed Ser Laenor Velaryon and you will do so without question. That is all I can do to quell any potential rumours floating around the keep".

"Yes father".

Rhaenyra hoped there would be nothing to deal with but her hopes were smashed when she realised she was with child. A child that had been prophecised as the devil queen that would unite the great house of fire and blood and make them whole once more.

The Devil's dream. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt