15. Stormborn

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Rhaeserra Rivers

Rhaeserra Rivers

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haeserra was there to witness the life and death of Daenerys Stormborn, the mother of dragons. She was able to conceal her youth and life by ways unknown to many; Rhaeserra would live many centuries to tell the story of the Targaryens.

Many thought Dany named her dragon Visserion for her brother when in fact it was for her favourite ancestor, Viserra the devil queen. Daenerys learned many lessons from Viserra's life, they both lost and gained much in their lives. Viserys sold Dany to the Dothraki leader, Khal Drogo. The union blossomed as did the respect for Dany as the Khaleesi. Rhaeserra stood by Daenerys throughout everything, she protected the descendant of the best Targaryens in her opinion. Her namesakes, Viserra and Rhaenyra Targaryen. 

Daenerys did come to now Rhaeserra's true identity after wondering how she knew so much of Viserra's legacy. Rhaeserra watched Rhaella give birth to Rhaegar, Viserys and Daenerys; she saw Jaime Lannister kill Aerys Targaryen and she saw Robert Baratheon come to power after slaughtering every Targaryen he could get his hands on.
Rhaeserra vowed to help Daenerys overcome those who tried to wipe out Viserra and Rhaenyra's legacy.

(Game of Thrones era. General perspective of the story).

Viserys Targaryen was a power hungry fool, he would not be the rightful heir. He abusesd Dany for displeasing him and her blamed her for Rhaella's death. They worried both exiles from Dragonstone and hidden in Essos until Viserys sold Dany to the Dothraki. Daenerys Stormborn, as seen by Viserra herself would be the true queen no matter how mad anybody saw her. Dany's undoing would stem from the deaths of her loved ones like it did Viserra. Viserys sold Daenerys to the Dothraki for a crown. Daenerys learned the ways of the Dothraki, she gained power with her strengthening relationship to Khal Drogo. Their son, prophesised to be the stallion who mounts the world. Rhaeserra became Myra to watch over Daenerys, loyal to her queen. (Skip to when Viserys dies). The Dothraki danced around the fire until a drunken Viserys waltzed in stumbling.

"Daenerys! Where's my sister? Where is she?",

"Stop him", Daenerys commanded Jorah. Rhaenyra, now Myraz whispered to Dany.

"If you want to stop him, you need to resolve yourself of his presence".
"I'm here for the feast, the whores feast", he declared. Rhaeserra sneered at his insult.


"Get your hands off me! No-one touches the dragon". Rhaeserra couldn't help the soft laugh that left her at his words.

"YOU! You dare laugh at me I am the drag-",

"The dragon Yes I heard you". She stated as the Dothraki laughed at the insult towards Viserys.

"Khal Drogo! I'm here for the feast",

"Khal Drogo says there is a place for you, back there".

"You heard the man Viserys, you are unwanted here", Rhaeserra seethed.

He shook his head, his silver-blonde hair swayed with the movement.

"That is no place for a king",

"You are no king", Drogo's deep voice sounded as Viserys drew his sword and pointed it at Rhaeserra then turning to Jorah.

"Keep away from me",

"Viserys please".

"Dany. Remember what I said", Rhaeserra muttered.

"There she is", he sauntered over to her sword raised.

"Put the sword down", Jorah stated.

"They will kill us all, you imbecile",Rhaeserra seethed.

"They can't kill us, they can't shed blood in their sacred city". Viserys pointed his blade to Daenerys' stomach.

"But I can. I want what I came for, I want the crown he promised me".

"You are unworthy,  you think a crown gives you ultimate power which I does not", Rhaeserra bitterly stated as he continued to stare down Daenerys.

"He bought you, but he never paid for you. Tell him I want what was bargained for or I'm taking you back. Oh and your little whore of a maid, Myra was it. He can keep the baby, I'll cut it out and leave it for him".

Drogo began to speak, his Dothraki unknown to Viserys.

"Whats he saying?",

"He says yes. You shall have a golden  crown that men shall tremble to behold".

"Well that was all I wanted. Wha-what we promised",

"Pathetic", Rhaeserra whispered. Drogo and Daenerys stood, their hands entwined over her small bump where their son grew. They shared a look before Drogo made a command, first to Rhaeserra then to his men. Viserys was grabbed whilst Rhaeserra stood from her place and walked over to them, she brought her foot down onto his angled leg. The bone snapped violently as he fell slightly, his arm was broke next.

"No, No. You cannot touch me, I am the dragon. I want my crown", he squirmed in pain.

"And a crown you shall get", Rhaeserra stated as she stepped back over to Daenerys' side. The gold placed over the first, bubbling until melted.

"Look away, Khaleesi",

"Do not look away, you are the power own it", Rhaeserra chimed.

"Dany, Dany tell them. Make them! Dany please!",

     "A crown for a king".

Viserys screamed as the molten gold dripped down his face, his skin burning under the searing metal. Rhaeserra scrunched her face at the smell of charred flesh as Viserys chocked. His body fell to the floor, his eyes stuck wide with fear.

"He was no dragon, fire cannot kill a dragon". Daenerys remarked coldly as she started at her brothers body.

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