3. the princess and the queen.

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10 years after the wedding...
Viserra was almost eleven namedays old. She loved her younger brothers with a passion. She was due to have a third and moment now, Rhaenyra was labouring Joffrey. The only silver-blonde child of the kings eldest daughter. She was a year and a half older than Aemond and three years younger than Aegon, both princes were infatuated with their niece. Viserra's life often mirrored that of her mother's. She worried for Rhaenyra, she had heard many at court disrespecting her brothers and she did not care for it. She had more knowledge than a traditional child of her age, she was aware of the lingering gazes between her mother and Ser Harwin Strong. Viserra was also not oblivious to the dark hair that she did not share with her brothers. The door opened and she was relieved to see her mother and new brother healthy. She went to see the babe, his innocent eyes looked up at her. Joffrey giggled at his sister, his hearty laugh was interrupted by Luce and Jace saying they chose an egg for the baby. Viserra let them fondle Joffrey as she went to attend Rhaenyra.

"You should rest, mūna. Septa Marrion often informs that labouring a child can be exhausting",
"I will be fine my sweet, speaking of your septa you should be returning to your lessons".
Viserra's shoulders sagged, she couldn't stand Septa Marrion. She was a boring old women who smelt like a dying cat.
"Why can I not join Jace and Luce in the dragonpit?",
"Shadowfyre is far too large for you to ride at your young age, my sweet".
"Viserra" Rhaenyra scolded. Her shoulders deflated.
"If I promise not to ride Shadowfyre can I go with them?",
"I don't see why not", Laenor knew who Viserra's father was and yet he didn't love her any less. He could not find it in himself to say no to her.

In the dragonpit...
Aegon and Aemond were infatuated by Viserra. Her ethereal features were etched permanently into their minds. As soon as she walked in they heard Shadowfyre's deep gutteral roar for his rider. The glowing purple egg placed in Viserra's cradle was like her, a beautiful danger. She always stuck by her family as shadowfyre dis with her. Their bond was like no other.

"Viserra, you look ravishing as always", Aegon mused at the dismay of her brothers.
"Why thank you, I do hope you mean that and aren't jesting",
"You can't jest about the truth", Aemond chimed.

Aegon did not like that his brother thought of Viserra the way he did. He wanted her for himself. His obsession with her was like his alcohol dependency, he craved them to satisfy his addiction. After Jace had ordered Vermax to burn the goat, Viserra was intrigued as to why they kept Aemond back.

"What are you all up to?",

"Nothing sweet niece, we simply have found a dragon for Aemond".
"A dragon, how?".
"The gods provide. Behold the pink dread". A large squealing pig was brought into the light.
"Why would you do something so barbaric?", Viserra didn't see the amusement in the situation.

"It is a simple jest Vis", Jace said, he didn't understand why she was so defensive about something that nobody meant offence by. As they all left, Aemond determined to prove himself stormed down to the dragon lairs. Dreamfyre noticed him, he fell to the ground startled by the great she dragon. He was found and escorted back to his mother. The guards found him covered in ash and escorted him to his mother.

"He did it again", Helaena chimed.
"How many times must I tell you. Must I have you confined to your chambers?",
"They made me do it".
"Nobody made you do anything, your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding".
"They gave me a pig",
"A what?".
"They said they found a dragon for me, but it was a pig. They all laughed, well all except Viserra she is the only one who isn't wicked". The queen's shoulders hunched as her nose crinkled in disgust at the thought of Rhaenyra's bastard children. Viserra may look like Rhaenyra but there was no denying the obvious mischievous look in her, that was all Daemon.
"Listen to me, you will have a dragon one day",
"He'll have to close an eye, the devil queen calls for blood", Helaena breathed into the distance. It was often that she found herself ignored, nobody really knew of what addled her mind other than Viserra who suffered the same affliction.

Later, in Viserys' chamber...

"A pig you say?",

"It was a cruel jest. Your grandsons are a menace".

"I'd hardly call it cruel, Aemond should have known better than to believe they found and lured a wild dragon for him. Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon that put them up to it?",

"I have brought this matter up before but I held my tongue the first time. To have one child like that is a mistake, to have four is an insult. Viserra did not take part in the jest but the time of her birth is circumstantial".

Alicent grew irritated at her husbands willingness to remain blind when it came to his grandchildren. His heart was too full to see that his grandchildren were not of Velaryon blood. Viserra was his pride, she was named after him and bared the resemblance to Rhaenyra and Aemma. She had a blue eye and a lilac eye, heterchromia like Alyssa but one of Arryn blue not green.

Meanwhile, in Pentos.
Daemon, Baela and Rhaena were awaiting for Laena to give birth to her third child but the babe would not come. Daemon was distracted until he  saw his wife burn in Vhagar's flame. His eyes dropped as he saw his wife die the dragon riders death she wanted and not on the birthing bed. Laena Velaryon was a fighter and died the death to prove it.

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