8. stranger calls

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Viserra's outfit...

Daemon did not like the idea of Viserra and Rhaenyra being alone in the clutches of the greens

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Daemon did not like the idea of Viserra and Rhaenyra being alone in the clutches of the greens.

"Little dragon, you will take care of yourself aswell as your mother?",

"Indeed kēpa. We will return to Dragonstone as quickly as possible. I do not wish to stay in this hellish place any longer than I must".

"Shall we attend the meeting, my sweet? We will be joining them on the morrow after we break fast and attend our duties", Rhaenyra asked.

"Ye-", Viserra fell into her own world.
"The stranger follows. The awakening happens at the last breathe". Jace rushed to her, supporting her weight until she returned to consciousness. Baela felt envious at the interaction. Jace rarely paid attention to anything that wasn't Viserra. It was like the gods hated her, how was Jace going to forget about Viserra and focus on Baela when they were on Dragonstone together and she was in Driftmark. She loved being by the sea with her grandmother but Rhaenys could not fill a void between a husband and wife, especially before they were even married.
Daemon and Rhaenyra dropped to her side as she lay in Jace's protective hold.

"Vis, I think you should return to your chambers and I will attend the meeting for the both of us",

"I am fine mother, I simply had a spell of dizziness but I am capable to go with you".

They all said their goodbyes. Viserra and Rhaenyra made their way to meet with the small council. If only they knew what the queen did. Viserys was dead, succumbed to his illness from being unworthy of the throne. Alicent was waiting to inform anybody until Rhaenyra and Viserra left back to Dragonstone. The other problem however was princes Rhaenys, she was locked in her room awaiting anybody to tell her what was to happen. Rhaena and Lucerys were speaking to Daemon about their worries for their sister. Baela approached Jace before he left for Dragonstone, she was still to remain until she was to return to Driftmark with Rhaenys.

"Do you love Viserra?",

"She is my older sister of course I love her".

"You misunderstand me. Do you love her as you should love me, as a companion, a wife?".

"Tha-that is ridiculous. What gave you such a ridiculous idea?",

"You! You gave me such an idea, I am nothing compared to her and I always will be. She is beautiful and everybody she meets is bewitched by her. I fear you will never look at me with such admiration, such love as you do her. I will always be the second choice that you fall back upon because you cannot have the one you truly want. You do not know of my feelings because you are infatuated by her".

"I had not known you felt this way becaus it is not true. I admire Viserra, yes, she is a great warrior and my older sister but I do not think of her as somebody to marry",

"If what you say is true, I want to hear you admit that you are not in love with her. I want you to swear that I am the only one on your mind".

Jace gulped. He had never thought of marrying anybody, he wanted to be the perfect son for Rhaenyra and honour her wishes but he also desired to choose his own wife. He supposed he had more freedom than Viserra had, Jace knew she would be perfectly suited to be queen after their mother but she was also in a cage of responsibilities surrounding her future on the Iron throne.

"Jace?", Baela whispered. Her eyes welled with teats as he pondered what to answer her.

"Jacaerys, we are leaving now", Daemon said sternly.
Jace felt a rush of relief as he left to fly Vermax to Dragonstone alongside his brother and Arrax. Something didn't feel right to Daemon, never in his life had he felt such uneasiness. Even after arriving at Dragonstone, he felt odd. A sign of what was to come, the promise of a future bathed in crimson was ahead. It had been decided by Aegon the conqueror himself that house Targaryen was always meant to reign in fire and blood.

Meanwhile, with Viserra and Rhaenyra...

"Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.  Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron throne and her daughter, Princess Viserra Velaryon".
They both sneered the name, Viserra was no Velaryon. She was a pure Targaryen, the true blood of the dragon coursed through her veins. Viserra may have loved Laenor and saw him as a second father, she would never truly be his child. He could never replace her true father. Daemon may have been a brute to many, his rogue nature brought him many enemies but she didn't see him that way. Behind his exterior was her father, the man who loved and cared for her. The man who could be replaced, Daemon may not have been there for the first years of her life but it mattered not to Viserra who looked up to him. Viserra greatly admired her family history and she knew that like queen Visenya, her great-grandparents prince Baelon and princess Alyssa; her father would go down in history. Daemon Targaryen would be heard of in centuries to come as would she, the devil queen. In the time of the last remaining Targaryen descendants, Daenerys Targaryen would rule as Viserra did; have your enemies suffer for everything they ever stole from you. Viserra gained vengeance for her family who died at the hands of the greens and Daenerys burned all those who wronged her. Both were thought to have been mad with grief; the murder of the people they cared for led to their downfall.

"Welcome Rhaenyra, Viserra. I am glad you were able to stay", Alicent stated.
"We aren't staying long, my queen. We must return to Dragonstone, it is our home. Besides we would not want to intrude",

"Nonsense. You will be welcomed at court whenever". Viserra could see through Alicent's facade. The Queen's eyes held something dire, a secret she did not want revealed. Viserra was the master of false expressions, she often used them growing up to get herself out of trouble from her parents.

"The king and I have discussed that Viserra should be wed. Tis customary of a woman  her age to have a husband by now".
Again with marriage Viserra thought. She hated the though of having to be tied to a man and made to push out heirs. She wanted children but not at the cost of her entire freedom.

"You discussed it with the king did you? Are you sure it was not the hand, after all you both seem to want to push the faith of the seven onto us. Replacing Targaryen heraldry in the court belonging to a Targaryen king is insulting", Viserra fumed.

"Viserra", Rhaenyra's scolding tone opposed the smirk she tried to hide at her daughter's words.

"The emblems of the seven  serve to remind us of a greater authority", Alicent was losing her will to keep quiet against Viserra who openly spoke whatever came to mind. The girl was a second Daemon, a true devil in disguise.

The Devil's dream. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora