That night Rain wants his alpha, he calls his mama and asks permission to stay over at P'Phayu's house.

His mama sighs but says, "you're an adult, Raindrop and soon to be married and a parent. You don't have to ask my permission. Just let me know when you are staying over."

"I will mama," Rain says.

"Tell Phayu I said to make sure both of you study hard." Mama says.

"Yes, mama," Rain thinks she doesn't have to worry there, P'Phayu is even stricter about making sure homework is done than mama.

P'Phayu does the dishes while Rain goes upstairs to shower and change into his PJs. They are planning on watching a couple episodes of a series Rain has been wanting to see until bed.

Phayu finishes up the dishes and decides to join Rain upstairs instead of waiting for him. They can snuggle and watch the series in bed rather than downstairs. Rain sometimes falls asleep easily and that way Phayu won't have to wake him to go to bed.

Rain doesn't notice him coming in, he is standing naked in front of the full-length mirror in their bedroom frowning at his reflection as he turns side to side.

Phayu takes a minute to admire his cute boy who is just starting to get a slight baby bump.

What Rain says though freezes Phayu's blood. "Gross, so ugly."

Rain can't really believe that, can he? The omega is the cutest thing Phayu has ever seen. He thought so the first day he had seen Rain, and he thinks it's even more true now.

Phayu crosses the room in a few strides and puts his arms around Rain, who jumps slightly.

"You walk like a cat," Rain complains.

"What are you thinking, cute boy?" Phayu says.

"Not cute." Rain pouts.

"Rain," Phayu says sternly. He turns Rain to the mirror and says, "Look at Rain, so beautiful, so stunning."

"You have to say that." Rain says.

"Fine then, I want you to look at the omega in the mirror and pretend like you are looking at someone else. Now pick out five things you like about the person in the reflection.'

Rain studies the reflection and says, "I like the hair, the eyes are nice."

"Yes they are, now keep going." Phayu tells him.

Rain tilts his head really concentrating on the reflection, "I like the way my nails look painted like that, I like my wrist and the way the bracelet you gave me fits around it, and I like my calves."

Phayu kisses him on the neck and says, "Good boy. I want you to do that every morning, find different things. No more negative self-talk, promise me you will be kind to yourself. Now do you know what I like about how Rain looks?" He breathes his scent over the Rain's neck making the omega squirm and giggle. "Every inch, and every part."

He pulls away and gives Rain a gentle smack on the ass. "Now go get dressed, unless you would rather do something besides watch a series."

"P'Phayu, it's a school night!" Rain squeals but he doesn't make a move to get dressed, instead he dances back and sticks his tongue out at the alpha.

"Then I guess I better not tire you out too much," Phayu smirks, stalking towards Rain. Rain giggles and tries to dodge around him, but Phayu catches him easily and pulls him in for a deep kiss.

They didn't manage to watch the series that night.

Sky opens the door to a hopeful looking P'Pai holding food bags. He sighs and moves aside for the alpha to come in. He's not sure when it happened, maybe when he was sick or maybe before then, but he can't help but feel happy now when he sees the alpha, although he tries his best to hide it.

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