26. College and Pestilence

Start from the beginning

Megatron, 'I feel like I am forgetting something important.'

Shockwave, "The ship meant to take humans to the moon is almost ready and the humans who are heading to the moon are looking forward to the day it launches."

Megatron, "You sound like you have something to say."

Shockwave, "It is illogical for humans to use a ship when they can easily reach there through a space bridge. I can always build one, the sun provides plenty of energy."

Coby, "I understand what you mean but this is something humans want to do ourselves. Once we figure out how to build our own space bridge, we will use it for travel."

Shockwave sighed, "Youngling, I can take you to the moon and even Mars easily. I do not understand why you must wait for the ship to be actually completed."

Tatiana spoke up,, "I cannot explain it but there is an urge inside us to do things ourselves you know? Besides, Sam was worried if you guys would start giving us the knowledge nilly willy, someone might misuse it against you."

Coby nodded, "Sam, the others and myself included do not want to see any of you hurt because of human greed."

Shockwave, "Impossible for humans to hurt a Cybertronian but the premise is understandable. Very well, but my offer still stands for both you and the young one. You are my mate and Sparkling now."

Tatiana was pink, "Of course, Shockwave. Ahem, I need to check on others. I will see you later."

Coby flushed as Tatiana left, "Sparkling means a baby right? I am a teen."

Shockwave, "Barely a fetus in my optic."

Coby pouted but did not argue much with Shockwave, he was really happy inside by Shockwave's admission. He left the Cybertronians to talk after a while or rather Shockwave sent him off with an errand. The real reason however was because Shockwave did not trust the DJD who were calling them at the moment. Tarn was actually calling to report they found who had ordered the hit on the Sparkling centre. It was not a Cybertronian as they had initially feared but one of the Quintessons who sent a live bomb. Megatron had frozen at the report staring at the words and proof clenching the data pad snarling.

Megatron, "Verified?"

Tarn, -Yes Lord Megatron.-

Megatron, "Soundwave, contact Prime now."

Soundwave nodded, "Acknowledged: calling Prime."

Tarn, -The Autobots? My Lord, they are the enemy.-

Megatron, "Who has lost Sparklings as well. If there is anything I have taught you about Sparklings and their caretakers.... "

Tarn, -Never try to separate them and never stand in their way for revenge.-

Megatron, "Indeed!"

Optimus, -Megatron, good to see you.-

Megatron, "Tarn returned with results of the investigation."

Prowl, -What investigation?-

Optimus, -The fall of the Sparkling centre.-

Prowl froze, -I see. Carry on.-

Megatron, "It was one of those blasted Quintessons. They go by Pestilence."

Optimus answered frostily, -I see, I suppose you will not mind if we started a man - hunt as the humans say for the child killer.-

Megatron grinned with his sharp denta out, "Oh, of course not, little brother. Why ~ I welcome everyone who lost their sparklings to join the hunt. It is their right to avenge their young, is it not?"

Optimus nodded, -I shall send this message on every Autobot channel we have as well as the neutral ones.-

Megatron, "Tarn your top priority is to find the monster that caused not just the war to escalate but also stole our younglings from us. This is an unforgivable act. Am I understood?"

Tarn stood straight, -Yes, My Lord, loud and clear. Tarn and the DJD will not let you down. Tarn out!-

Megatron, "Good."

Optimus, -I should go and inform the others. Be careful big brother. This Quintesson is obviously very cruel, cunning and dangerous. Optimus out.-

Shockwave, "Are you alright my Lord?"

Megatron, "Well, I... "

Starscream barged in, "Megatron, is it true? We know who was behind the Sparkling centre disaster. Who took my Blackstar from me?"

Megatron eyed his second in command who looked feral, "Yes, we did. The DJD of course, are after them currently."

Starscream, "I wish to go as well. They took my Blackstar. He is gone because of them. My little flyer was off - lined before I was. How is that fair?"

Skyfire, "Please Lord Megatron, give us permission to go after this monster and end him."

Megatron sighed, "Very well, I am preparing a team to join the DJD anyway. Go prepare for a long hunt. I shall inform you of the departure date shortly. Expect the Autobots who lost Sparklings as well to join you.'

Starscream, "As long as I can put my blaster through that monster's spark, I shall endure their presence. This is for my little one after all."

Optimus was also dealing with Autobots who were asking about the validity of the information they had all just received. Even Windblade and Strongarm who were on the other side of the galaxy contacted him about this information. They did not have sparklings but their crewmates however had sparklings before and then that incident happened. Optimus had verified the information and shown them the proof the DJD had recovered. This included the exchange between the killer and the Quintessons and a video recording of said killer walking inside the centre right before the blast. That was more than enough for half the Autobots to request to join the hunt including Jolt of all Mechs.

Jolt, "Someone has to make sure they return alive."

Optimus, "Of course, Jolt."

(To be continued...
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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