She just whimpered at his harsh words. How could he talk to her like that? He knew how dearly she loved her son.

"Anyway, if you were woman enough, I wouldn't have to f**k random whores. But here we are. Sex with you is torture. Be thankful to your son. If not for him, I would have broken off the engagement a long time ago. So, back off and stay out of my business." He snarled with bloodshot eyes.

The same dark blue pools that attracted her at first. She used to drown in them with delight. But now they held nothing but coldness and contempt.

Stephen was stunningly handsome; he still is. It took her quite some time to accept his advances because she just couldn't fathom why the Greek God with silky blond hair was attracted to her.

But he swept her off her feet with his charm and ability to hypnotize her with his heated gaze. His eyes are blue, so deep they sometimes seem black. There was a time they made her melt into a puddle every time he looked her way.

She felt so feminine when he caged her in his strong embrace, pulling her into him. She indulged so many times in his sensual caresses. Countless times, he took her breath away with his passionate kisses. And she surrendered whenever he called her his "black Opal" while wildly pounding into her, fucking her into oblivion.

Where was the man, who once so madly loved her? It did not matter anymore...

"I ought to get a grip of myself!" She thought, steeling her resolve.

She hated the weak woman she had become.

She harshly swept the tears she so desperately tried to hold and managed to answer in a calm voice, that surprised even her, "I was so dumb to try to fix our relationship, when all you do, is cheat with loose women. But I am done! We are done. Our son needs me, and I refuse to deprive him of a peaceful childhood just because you treat me like trash. Since there is nothing left to salvage, it's best we go our separate ways! Feel free to indulge in your sexual escapades. But I won't let you trample on my dignity. Never again. I loved you; I really did. But guess what, I love myself more! "

He growled fiercely and closed the distance between them with long strides. He stood only a few inches away from her, intently looking at her. She lowered her gaze, fearing that in anger, he would physically hurt her. To this day, he had never abused her physically.

Well, it was not entirely true since their rare sexual encounters were not consensual. She now feared the touch she used to crave. She hoped that the day would never come when he would beat her.

He caressed her cheek affectionately like he used to when he still loved her, and at the gesture, her breath hitched. She lifted her face and stared back. But she could not hold his heinous gaze and lowered her head again in resignation.

He towered over her, dwarfing her with his 6 feet 5. He leaned down dangerously, his breath fanning over her face. He chuckled darkly and then said, sneering, "Aah, my beautiful black opal, we both know that you are bluffing. Jealousy does not suit you, you know... If you want me to ease your itch, you can always try to seduce me. Besides, you know very well that you can't live without me. Am I not your everything? Your words, Schatz, not mine." (Treasure in German)

"No, Stephen, we are done! You are toxic. This relationship is toxic. I give up! You hear me! For God's sake, leave me alone! " She yelled whilst trying to push him away, but he did not budge. He abruptly slid the hand, which was still on her cheek towards her chin, and gripped it violently. He then slowly lifted her face and placed his other big hand on the back of her neck, and crushed his lips against hers so harshly,that that she couldn't suppress her groans. There was nothing pleasurable about this kiss.

He took advantage of this moment to forcefully slide his tongue into her mouth and ravaged it without restraint.

He pulled away and stared at her intently for what seemed like an eternity. The shear madness and the murderous intent she saw in his eyes made her blood run cold. He pushed her away without care and walked towards the door.

He turned around abruptly and said in a calm but menacing voice, "And if I find out that the reason for your rebellious outburst is because you spread your legs for another man, I swear to everything I hold dear that I will make you regret the day you were born. Once I am done with you, you will beg me to kill you. Remember Juliana, you belong to me. I own you, and there is nothing you can do about it."

He left the room, slamming the door. As soon as she was sure that he would not come back, she collapsed on the floor sobbing bitterly.

End of Flashback

Juliana's POV

Mr Lombardi's deep voice brought me out of my torpor: "Signorina Dissack, we have reached your hotel."

Cassandra and Jade were already waiting outside, and a porter had assembled our luggage in a cart. My poor little Aman is sleeping soundly and clinging to his godmother like a baby Koala to its mother.

Mr. Lombardi is holding the door open for me. I get out of the car and thank him. Jade walks towards the entrance of the hotel without waiting.

The hotel is nothing less than a magnificent Baroque castle.

Cassandra turns one last time to Mr Lombardi, "Enzo Darling, you know where to find me if you want to get better acquainted or more ... My number is in the glove compartment." She winks at him and heads towards the hotel, swinging her glorious hips sensually. I can't help but chuckle, shaking my head at her antics...

As soon as I turn around to say goodbye to Mr. Lombardi, I take note of his imposing stature previously hidden when he was seated behind the wheel. He wears an expensive suit, which fits in all the right places. It seems custom - tailored. Apparently, the job pays well.

But I am more surprised by his fiery and intense gaze. He stares at Cassandra's retreating figure without blinking while biting his plump lower lip. My dear girl is definitely wrong about who the real predator is. This man is, by no means, neither shy nor harmless. As the saying goes, "Still waters run deep!"

"See you tomorrow, Mr Lombardi." Without waiting for an answer, I join my family at the hotel's entrance.

It has been a long day.

Hello folks! Here comes the second chapter. I thought that a peek in Juliana's past would give a better understanding of who she is and what she's been through.

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Your Lady Kiki

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