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Juliana's POV

"For some of us, the course of life is a tortuous path strewn with pitfalls. Disappointments and failures follow one another, leaving us no moment of respite.

It sometimes seems as if the forces of the universe were relishing in making us feel a little more miserable every passing day.

I lost count of the times I dreamed of being someone else, of being somewhere else, of just not being me. Juliana...

My daily life is a constant battle to maintain my sanity. I must tread carefully... My balance is fragile, and at the slightest misstep, the dizzying fall will be inevitable.

I was never one to complain... Don't let my long internal rant fool you. I have never been one of those who externalize their pain. Being resilient has never been a choice but a necessity. Facing my problems head-on has always been the only way to survive. Life has never been kind enough to give me other options ... Fight or die!

But believe it or not, every rope, even the thickest one, reaches its breaking point someday... And guess what, I reached mine today. There is nothing left to save, no energy left to fight... "

Third Person POV

Juliana was lost in her depressing thoughts while desperately trying to smile at her baby boy Aman. Her little sunshine, who turned three years 2 months ago. But she failed miserably because the little guy felt that there was something off with his mother's smile. It didn't reach her eyes. He didn't smile back like he usually does. Instead, he cried sorrowfully mirroring the sadness in his mother's heart...

Her fiancé embarrassed her once again. Stephen, Aman's father, cheated on her and lied to her without blinking for the umpteenth time, "Who is it this time?" She wondered.

She tried to console her son, but the overwhelming sadness took over, and she felt a lone tear run down her left cheek. But she never stopped soothingly caressing her son.

So sad... I shed few tears while writing ... ☹

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