9.1 Hot and Bothered

Start from the beginning

"How are you still single?" she suddenly blurts out.

My temperature suddenly spikes, spreading uncomfortable heat under my collar. Jesus Ren! "I don't know!" I shift in my seat and scratch the back of my neck.

There are quite a few reasons, actually, none of which I'm prepared to share with her here and now.

Averting my gaze, I say quietly, "Nothing ever seems to fit or last for me... I guess. I just keep relationships casual now."

"Oh? But we dated for almost two years. You've had other long-term girlfriends at some point, right?"

You have no clue about my life, Ren.

I flick my eyes back to her for an instant. "Would it surprise you if I said no?"

Her eyes go wide. "Really?"

Great. Now, I really feel like a freakn' winner. Thanks, Ren.

"I don't really want to talk about it," I grumble.

"Oh, come on, that can't be true," she coaxes me.

I inhale and quickly release a sigh from deep in my chest, "I don't know. I mean, I've dated lots of girls. I've had a few official girlfriends, but they only lasted a few months. Other than that..." I shrug.

End of story.

"Other than that, what?" She looks at me with big, interested eyes.

That's it. I'm done with this conversation. This is the part when I get to feel like shit, and she pities me, then feels smug about it later, knowing she beat out everyone else. No contest.

"Other than that... I don't want to talk about my sad love life with you," I say a little too gruffly. "You've had much more luck in that department than me."

She scoffs. "What do you mean? I'm divorced!"

"Yeah, but apparently, you loved another guy enough that you got married... and I'm sure you dated plenty of guys in college." I don't break eye contact as I raise my eyebrows and bring my wine to my lips before taking a long, slow drink, finishing off my glass. Thanks to the internet, I know some of this for a fact.

A blush dusts her cheeks. "No, not that many. I went on a few dates. I had another boyfriend for a while before Alex."

I hate the way that name sounds on her lips.

"Hmm, Alexx." The x comes out harshly through my teeth, and I watch her lips press together in a tight line.

"Okay, you're right. Let's not talk about our romantic past," she grits, scowling at me.

Am I being an asshole? Maybe. We finish off the last two buns in silence.

The waiter lays the check on the table. "Whenever you're ready." And takes away our plates. I see Ren reach for the check. 

No fucking way.

Pinching the edge, I snatch it away from her. "I'm getting it."

"No, I asked you out tonight," she counters.

I scoff. "Don't be ridiculous." Maybe it's macho or sexist and all to insist on paying these days, but my balls already feel miniature right now after that last conversation. I need this.

Setting the check in front of me, I focus on getting my wallet out of my back pocket when Ren tries to go for it again. Damn her! My hand flies right back down on top of it, and I drag it towards me.

She scowls, fruitlessly attempting to swipe for it over the table. "I have a job now, you know."

I'm guessing she's referencing the fact that she didn't really have one in high school. But her not having money was never the reason; she had an allowance—I just wanted to take care of her. Why can't she just let me do this?! She must know this part of me by now.

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