Kim Seonghyeon’s ears turned bright red, and Seo Hoyun kept looking at the ground, occasionally taking deep breaths.

[Ah, crazy, Kim Seonghyeon’s ears are red, that means marriage, right, got it]

[Seo Hoyunㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His deep breathing is really funny ah ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└It’s getting more shameless with time

└└His increasingly confident movements…]

Of course, by the end, they boldly stared into the camera, overacting as they mimed sprinkling salt.

“The magic of salad, jingle!

Let’s all be happy, my heart is thumping!”

[Ah, so cute, shit, so cute, ah, so cute, ah]

[I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

The two, who managed to keep smiling till the end, buried their faces in their hands and pretended to wash their faces as the screen faded to black.

[I can’t believe it… I am… someone who laughs a lot…]

[I thought I was watching quietly, but when the screen went off, I realized I was grinning with my gums showing]

As everyone was stunned by this new side of The Dawn they had never seen before, an alert for The Dawn’s V-Live popped up.

[Thumping Dawnkies are here (V hand sign emoticon)]

This is…!

This was a sure bet.

Everyone lit up and rushed in. Entering V-Live, the members were waving their hands against the background of the practice room.



Though they sometimes appeared individually on V-Live (with titles like ‘Hello, it’s Jiwon’ for Seong Jiwon or ‘Cuteness has arrived’ for Kang Ichae), a V-Live with all five members of The Dawn was different. They waved their hands while looking at the chats, which were flooding in almost instantaneously.

But today’s content was somewhat different from usual.

Right from the start, the fans were completely flipping out.

[Guys, let’s eat a heart-thumping salad]

Fans who didn’t want to end with just one video begged fervently.

[Do the heart-thumping salad again, please]

[Just one more time… ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

[Oppa Please I beg you]

“Heart-Thumping salad?”

“Ah, let’s eat a heart-thumping salad!”

[Yes, yes, yes, please]


The Noeuls were hoping for the members to perform even just a verse or a small hand movement… but The Dawn, true to their quirky and cute nature, always exceeded the fans’ expectations.

“Shall we show them one more time?”

Then, Kang Ichae, smiling, pulled out a box from the corner. As the chat filled with question marks, everyone stood up energetically.

“Let’s go!”


Ingredients for salad, including lettuce, sugar, and lemon juice, and a large salad bowl.

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