part 25

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Nobody said anything for a few minutes they were just staring at each other Naruto coughed and smiled at the three" I know you have alot of questions I'll answer them starting with sarada what will your questions be?" He asked.

Sarada was nervous " many children do you have? I know you have four but do you have more?" She asked as she wanted to meet them so bad.

Naruto smiled and he could see the hope in her eyes"I have four children only Mito, itaru, Narumi and Brouto" he said.

She smiled "which village do you prefer to rule?" She asked as she wanted to know.

"My village but also the leaf village even if I hate the village I still have people that I have there" he explained .

"That's all I wanted to ask" she said.

Naruto nodded and looked at his son"Brouto? Any questions you want to ask?"

Brouto sighed "do you love mom?" He asked he wanted to know!

Naruto frowned before sighing"as a sister not as a wife I already have someone to love I'm sorry but my clone was different from me " Naruto explained to him.

Brouto was unhappy but he understood that he loved his husband before his mother..."do they know I siblings?" He asked

Naruto grinned"yes that they do....they wanted to spend time so now you can" he explained to Brouto nodded

"I'm done" Brouto said

He looked at sasuke who was about to say something when the door opened and fugaku San walked in sasuke froze his father was actually in front of him."Naruto San can we talk quickly" he asked .

Naruto stood up "I'll be back " he said and the two left the room.

Naruto looked at fugaku San after they left "is he ready to take in all information?" Fugaku San asked .

Naruto nodded"he has to least he be happy when he sees the whole clan again" Naruto said .

They walked in sasuke stood up and fugaku San looked at sasuke"son it's been a long time " he greeted his son and he wasn't lying he grew up .

Sasuke nodded"hello father" he said and Naruto could sense the awkwardness coming from the two.....he looked and the two kids"Brouto ,sarada want to meet your siblings/cousins ?" He asked.

They nodded as they didn't want to be near the son and father reunion "yes please!" They said

Naruto smiled "anbu!" He called out and Mito appeared with her team and bowed "leader stay others can go back to duty." He said and looked at sasuke and fugaku San who was glaring at each other oh great.

Follow me "he said to the three leaving the other two.... They walked out and to his house when they arrived he turned to Mito "unmask"

She did she took off her mask and her blonde hair fell more  and her black eyes looked at her brother and cousin"hello I'm Mito Uchimaki nice to meet my little brother and cousin!" She said with a smirk."

Brouto eyes widened her big sister was in front of him!" Hello Mito I'm Brouto" he said making her laugh he was adorable.

Naruto smiled "can you watch them maybe give them a tour around the village I need to see if the two are alive " he said kissing her head and leaving to his office.

When he arrived Itachi was on his desk sasuke was on the floor and fugaku San was leaning on the wall what on earth happened?

Naruto walked in"get up sasuke" he snapped making sasuke just and sit on the chair Itachi kissed Naruto cheek.

"Can you give me answers now why was I left behind?" He asked

"It was part of the plan donzo was gonna kill the whole clan so we switched them with blood clones"fugaku San said

"Naruto told us to leave you behind as to test your path if you go on the revenge path or the path as everyone else but you choose the revenge path" Itachi added

"Yes I made them leave you behind and I also told them that it will make a big scene if the murderer of the uchiha clan left only his little brother alive" Naruto explained

"We thought you would grow out of the revenge path but you never did you got worse so we didn't tell you anything we kept tabs on you and everything you did made Naruto say no that you couldn't know the truth." Itachi explained with a sad smile.

Sasuke couldn't believe it it was his own fault he ended up like this? If he has chosen the other path he would of grown up with his family....

"I heard the snake was gonna train you so I reached out to him and he joined the village but his clone was teaching you ....I mean yes his clone was made to be creepy but who kills their Sensei?" Naruto said sighing making sasuke blush yes that was his one mistake killing his Sensei but he is still alive .

" But then you killed Itachi's clone and that wasn't good so we decided you don't get the chance to meet your clan but after the war we could see you change a little but you neglected your wife and daughter sasuke yes I told you not to and stay in the village after sarada was born but you refused you wanted a family you got to make an effort sasuke she's your blood your lucky I stopped fugaku San from taking her away from you he was very close to do so" Naruto explained making sasuke pale ...

"I nearly did since your here we meeting the whole clan and you will not neglect your wife and daughter if you do she will move in with Naruto! Do you understand?!" He said making sasuke nod .

"Yes father....thank you for explaining everything to me"

The real Naruto Uzumakiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें