"Don't worry, for now, taehyung has to stay under our surveillance for the next seven days after that you can take him but I'll write you a contact of professional who can help your husband improve his addiction." Doctor added before writing a description of medicine and contact.

Jackson take the slip and made his way to the pharmacy while seokjin helped the rigid male out of the doctor's cabin followed by namjoon and seo Joon who thanked the doc for a piece of good advice.

"Jungkookie, baby... Talk to me." The purple locks male tried to converse but the younger was still focused on regulating his breaths.

"Is he okay? Should I call the doctor?" Seo Joon was concerned seeing the brunette struggling to keep up with breathing.

"No. I'm fine." Jungkook responded looking at his intervened fingers with seokjin.

"I-i am just thinking about how if only I've given more attention to tae's drinking instead of ignoring it then this wouldn't have happened." 

Smaller male felt guilt churning in his guts when he recalled the moments in the past when he simply shrugged off the red ensigns. He let it slide thinking his husband does it occasionally to relieve his stress and it's nothing wrong but now he regrets it. Very badly.

"Koo, it's not anyone's mistake. The situation itself was so difficult that any normal human would stick to the thing which makes him feel peace. Taehyung finds that solace in alcohol but he didn't know it will end up this bad." Jin attempt to soothe his best friend with comforting words.

"Yeah, kook. Besides now we should focus more on his recovery than  regretting or blaming the past. I'll contact the professional on this number. We are here for you in this so stop worrying." Silver-haired recited making jungkook gaze at a couple.

He can't believe, This couple has supported them as much as his real parents should have. Namjoon and seokjin weren't any less than parents for jungkook, the couple is always there for them whenever they needed whether it's a life struggle or a fight between him and tae. 

Jungkook hugged his Hyung tightly encircling his arms around the male's wide shoulders while namjoon's dimples smile perks looking at the duo as he caressed the brunette's hair softly.

Seo Joon was witnessing the moments in quiet. He felt pleasant to know that someone was there for his brother and his family.

"Okay, namjoon if your wife can stay here with jungkook then we should  go to reception to pay the bills and no one will argue, I am going to do it anyway." The man in semi-formals affirmed with sternness when he saw  jungkook was nearly gonna refuse.

"Taehyung is my family and families always support each other." Seo Joon smiled looking at jungkook with a promising gaze before the duo took a leave.

Seokjin called min and cha couple giving them a message that everything is alright.

Younger sat straight intensely looking at his Hyung who was busy on a call.

"Hyung please ask about kids. Are they fine?" Younger questioned with worry-filled eyes. He is a mother and even when his husband was in a critical state, it didn't make him forget about his kids. 

"They're totally fine and playing. Don't worry as long as hobi and Jiminie are there, they will handle it." Oldest Hyung responded.

Soon Jackson shows up with medicines, seo Joon and namjoon following behind. The doctor allowed two persons at a time inside the room with the patient so jungkook shortly waddle inside as namjin respectively confide seo Joon to go next. 

Taehyung still lay unconscious as drugs induced were little high dose so it will take few hours rest before his body functions again. Jungkook was standing beside his bed with Ravenette's hand pressed against his lips, the younger's gaze reflecting nothing but concern for his unconscious husband.

My Alcoholic Husband | Taekook (Domestic)✅Where stories live. Discover now