Chapter 3

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"Good morning, hobi Hyung." The brunette greeted with his famous bunny tooth smile.

"Oh... Kookie. Good morning. You're late." The male who shines as bright as the sun replied while fumbling through some files.

"Sorry, boss. I won't be late from now on." Jungkook responded to his boss who is also his close friend. 

Cha hoseok... A.k.a hobi, is a jungkook's boss as he runs half of his husband's company. After seeing his good friend struggling to keep up financially, hobi offered jungkook a job in his company which jungkook took immediately as they were in urgent need.  

"Yeah. You better not because my husband won't like it if I give my employees too much freedom." Both males laughed at their not-so-serious conversation.

"How's eunwoo Hyung?" Jungkook asked as hobi extended another cup of coffee to the brunette.

"He is more than fine just a little too busy to even look after his wife and child " the older grumbled pouting. Jungkook giggled before comforting his Hyung.

"It's okay, Hyung. He is handling a big project so he must be working very hard on the project." 

"Yeah, you're right. By the way, how's tae and my two angles doing?" Hobi asked finally closing the files and giving attention to his friend.

"They are fine Hyung but I'm getting worried for tae, his been drinking a lot lately. He even broke his promise third time this month and last night, namjoon Hyung had to bring him home from his friend's club between the storm." The younger let out fidgeting with the cup.

"Kook, I think you need to give extra attention to your husband. It's not good for his health and did you guys find any company?" 

"No, Hyung. Tae is trying so hard but he kept getting rejections or where he get the job, the people around him don't leave a sole chance to test his patients." The brunette replied with a discontented look.

"It's okay koo, you guys will soon find a good company... don't worry. how much time they have given you?" The older quizzed.

"Only this year. At the end of the year, they'll claim the leftover property."

"Oh no. You guys have to find a decent partnership quickly kook because it's already the beginning of the fourth month and you also have to convince the other party. I really wish I could help you with this problem. I'm really sorry." The shiny male mumbled with a sad expression.

"No no, Hyung. Please don't say sorry. I know if you could help, you would have done it before I can ask." The doe-eyed male retorted brushing his hyung's hand to ensure.

"Okay Hyung. Now, let me get to my work or everyone will taunt me saying I'm being a lazy employee just because my close friend is a boss." Jungkook mimics one of the girl employees' voice who always deride him because he got the job easily and there both boss are close friends of jungkook.

Jungkook vacated his boss's office and started working on his desk located on first floor. He always gets judgemental chatters and eerie eyes but he doesn't give a single damn about any of it. He doesn't bother to reply to anyone who badmouths him behind his back. 

It's not easy for him to work in an office where every colleague of his doesn't miss a single chance to taunt him. If he wanted then he would have complained to his friend/ boss but he doesn't want any drama in the office that's why he ignores them.

"Oh look, our princess has finally decided to come to the office. Looks like you were taking your precious beauty sleep that you forget the office time." One of the female employees cheeped whose working desk is beside jungkook.

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