"That's my baby." Taehyung cheered pressing a long kiss on the younger's forehead.

"T-tae, I am s-sorry." 

"It's okay. I'm not mad anymore but promise me, you won't hide anything from me ever again. We had a made promise each other since we started our relationship that none of us will hide anything from one another." 

"Wait... But you also hide the deal that mina bitch offered to you for a sponsorship." Jungkook remembered sung Kyung saying it the other day and it suddenly came into his mind. Now, taehyung was the one who was sweating giving nervous smile.

Brunette glared at him with kawaiiness that it can't be even count as a glare. Older couldn't keep his laugh and chuckled biting his wife's roly-poly cheeks.

"Ow! Tae." Younger yelps covering his cheeks.

"You're so cute~ ..... Anyways let's not fight as we both are equal now. Let's continue our promise, starting from now. Alright?" Taehyung uttered as his wife nodded.

They both were now busy cuddling completely forgetting the fact that there were still two people who are deathly worried about what kind of serious conversation is happening in the guest room.

Seokjin was panicking holding his husband's hand and kept telling him to go check on them. He was worried because taehyung looked so mad and he is afraid that he will say something that might hurt his best friend. 

"Jinnie, babe. Calm down. Taehyung is an understanding person he won't scold jungkookie." A silver-haired male tried to cool his hyperventilating wife.

"I know joon but didn't you see how angry he look when he left with kook. I am scared for Koo. Hey, let's check if they're okay. What if they ended up in a bigger argument? Let's go." A purple-haired male asserted in hurry before pulling his husband with him who almost tripped because of the table in the center.

"Slow down, baby. I might break my head or nose before I can solve their fight." 

"That will be fine but right now most important thing is to solve their problem. Now knock on the door." Seokjin shrugged and namjoon stared at his wife in stupefaction. His wife is more worried about his best friend rather than his husband. What a sad life of namjoon.

A silver-haired man knocked over the door a few times but didn't get any response so jin being an impatient soul, flew open the door only to turn around while covering his eyes.

Namjoon stood shocked with vast sights but a smack on his head made him do the same as his wife.

"What the hell!? I thought you guys must be having a WWE fight by now but .... Oh, my holy eyes! Jesus Christ!" Seokjin huffed out.

The younger kim couple was busy fixing their clothes as they were having a good make-out session with lots of french kisses and neck biting. 

"You guys are unbelievable." The couple turned around after hearing no shuffle from behind. Taehyung and jungkook sat beside each other with pink cheeks and heavy breaths.

"Sorry, Hyung. We totally forgot about you guys." Ravenette voiced only to receive a malignant glare from other couple.

The younger Kim couple notified them that they are at peace now and everything is solved between them so it's nothing to worry about.

"By the way, you guys are still as active as before when it comes to romance, no wonder why kook keeps getting pregnant." Jin blurted without an ounce of shame and heard a gasp from his best friend.

Taehyung's spheres again enlarged before he squeeze them shut in embarrassment. Namjoon tried to tell his wife not to make them uncomfortable with such a private talk.

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