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And so it happened

Narcissa felt herself hit the bed and his weight loom over top of her. In hunger their lips met barely without pause. Her mind was feeling but she couldn't help but leave it to it's own devices. Right now, right here, she'd found something better to focus on.

Helios' arms caged her in and yet they never quite seemed to touch her. Narcissa wanted his hands to caress her face, hold at her hips, anything really so she could know reality still existed. The feeling of his hands would remind her of how just one of his arms had carried her here, to his room. Like she had weighed no more than paper.

A lot, but at the same time, nothing had happened in-between their time in the office and where they are now. They had foolishly tempted each other, posing the question of; who would break first. If not for her keen stubbornness, Narcissa was sure she would have come close to begging.

Now, still mixed in the mouths of one another, Narcissa inched to remove his top. Hinting the idea as she played with the hem. Finally, Helios' hands had touched her but only to move her hands away. It was a defiant no, or maybe an action to tell her to be patient. She made for his shoulders now. Built and square, so so appealing in his shirt. They made way for his back, an even more wonder expanse of his body that held contours of definition that was so unfair.

Narcissa was granted a moment of mercy as Helios took a trip to her jaw and neck. His kisses tickled and a hot trail followed in their wake. She was sure he could feel her shiver, and hear the sharp gasps that had parted her lips. Gosh, she loved his hair. The mess of soft curls, how it was so damn perfect, and how it gave her an anchor. The low and barely audible groan that had left him shocked her. Narcissa hadn't even realised she had tugged, but Merlin did the sound please her.

She was scared to open her eyes and see that this moment didn't exist. It had to, simply because the warmth that flooded her body and heat that was laid on top of her was so powerful.

Finally, a hand caressed the side of her face, pushing her to open her eyes. Narcissa decided then and there, that Helios' hair was like a halo. It only illuminated his sharp and inquisitive features. Helios' eyes had never been so addicting to look at. Emotions and questions filled them, they would remain unasked and left unpacked as her eyes closed once again while her hands guided his lips and face back to hers.

"Helios," her barely audible voice spoke. This volume would only ever be heard by him, Narcissa was sure. "Hurry up." There was an edge to her voice now, impatient again and nearing desperate. Still, she didn't have the time to be embarrassed while her top slipped off her shoulder. Helios hummed against her skin, lazily running a hand up and down her side, blatantly ignoring her. Merlin, she hated him. Wriggling under him in clear frustration, it didn't help to feel the curl of his lips against hers. "I swear to Merlin, Helios."

He murmured against her lips an, alright, darling and the chilling air of the room hit her stomach so quick she wondered what had happened to her top... or where Helios' had gone. Narcissa wanted so badly to admire him, not just all the physical traits that made him so worthy of admiration, but also the nicks and scars that littered him. Her own fingers lightly brushed along the notorious scar on his shoulder that often teased itself under his shirts. It came across like a dark stain in the shape of a most glorious lightning strike.

Her mind travelled, wondering what experiment had caused which scar, what duel had led to such a cut... Helios brought her back with another soft caress of her jaw. Looking at his eye, Narcissa had never felt so confident and reassured. Helios had a heavenly affect on her that she was sure would last days.

Helios explored her, venturing lower to her chest and abdomen and she would simply run her fingers through his hair, relaxing in the tender affection. Narcissa felt it necessary to tilt his head back up to her and remind him she was there, waiting. Helios would look at her with something akin to drunkenness that she drowned in. Whatever his lips and touch were made of, Narcissa was sure it was Dark Magic from the way it was so addicting, or rather intoxicating as it swallowed her in waves.

There was no going back from this now, she was sure. Whatever would happen this evening would melt into the night and bleed into the rest of her days. The idea had once been so constricting and suffocating, but with Helios in view, it had become so much more. Freeing even.


busy times. finished my undergrad, working, and trying to survive christmas season.
coming back to almost 3k reads is fucking insane, this chapter was supposed to have smut but i wasn't too sure if y'all would be comfortable... just lemme know :)

Vile TemptationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora