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The Malfoy Manor never stopped being full of surprises. Narcissa had brooded for the rest of the day until her husband arrive home in a flurry. Lucius proceeded to notify her of a guest for dinner and was off in an instant to inform the house-elfs. Narcissa wanted to groan in distain or let out her frustration in some sort of destructive manner. But still, she let the idea of image stop her.

She supposed the extra company would be appreciated following the awkward or dramatic dinners she had with the Malfoy brothers. And yet, she could only imagine how Helios Malfoy would find a way to entertain himself at the sacrifice of the rest of their sanities. Narcissa knew, however, that praying on Helios' behaviour was just a waste of time and would only jinx herself.

Narcissa should have remembered how bland of a person Severus Snape was. He was a highly regarded young man in Lucius' eyes but she struggled to find the appeal just yet. Snape always seemed to talk in a monotonous tone that made her eyelids feel heavy. The Slytherin still had a couple more years to finish up at Hogwarts and from there all Lucius could talk about was what Severus' plans were afterwards. It was an odd turn of interest and enthusiasm from his usual interest in the Daily Prophet, or literally anything else that meant he could be silent.

The three were all deep in discussion about their shared time at school when a pair of footsteps stole their attention. In all his glory, Helios Malfoy strolled into the dining room sporting wipes of blood on his shirt and a bandage around his hand. Narcissa couldn't help that her posture altered at this new look. The blasé air of carelessness, and the lack of concern at his image regarding literal blood on his shirt. Helios hardly noticed the new presence at the table, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and massaging the area in-between his eyebrows. "Who's the runt?"

The question had shocked both Lucius and Narcissa, and left poor Severus with his brows furrowed. Lucius heaved a sigh deciding he should've expected this behaviour from his brother. "Most people introduce themselves to people they don't know." Helios looked at his brother as though the idea was disgusting to him. Narcissa couldn't argue the ill desire to introduce himself to a boy like Severus but manners were still a basic requirement for most people.

"I only wanted a name, Lucius, not an introductory course to being a kiss-arse," Helios groaned and took another healthy sip of whiskey.

Severus seemed to have easily clocked on to their relation and come to the brave idea of understanding how the younger Malfoy worked. "You think that you're better than me?" It was obviously rhetorical and plainly sarcastic coming from the dark-haired boy which resulted in Helios making a face. Like he was trying to hold back a laugh. "Merlin, you're so full of angst aren't you." Helios let the silence sit after his words. He kept his gaze on the younger boy and hardly let anyone comment. "Must've been the sad childhood and bullying, hmm?"

Helios had proved a point without meaning to, watching as Severus' shoulders shrunk while his eyes dimmed. "Lucius, you never told me you had a brother... or that he was a Legilimens." Helios looked just slightly impressed at the boy's deduction, lips tugging to tease a smirk. Narcissa called herself fascinated by this. Lucius held a different reaction.

"How did you learn that!?" Lucius was outraged but Narcissa believed it was spurred on by jealousy. Helios shrugged boredly. "You didn't?" Lucius' silence was enough of an answer. "Durmstrang's curriculum is quite broad," Helios shrugged. Lucius scoffed, "It can't be that broad, Helios. Legilimency and occlumency users are rare—they might as well be as sparse as wandless and non-verbal users!"

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