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Dinners and Where They Lead

                Dinner in full swing, Narcissa was enjoying her evening around friends and family. It was less so about eating than it was about idle chatter, it had been an hour and they were still on appetisers. The guest list had revealed itself to be more or less people around their age bracket. All newly or recently entering their new lives outside of Hogwarts, taking up family businesses or stepping into places at the Ministry for Magic. The empty seat across from her was obvious.

It was blatant that Helios was late, and both seats beside him had been filled like it was a conscious thought not to inhabit the chair. Of course, the Bulstrode girl took the seat on his left, Bellatrix flanking the empty seat on the right. She had arrived half an hour late, but that was miles better than Helios' running record tonight.

The Yaxley male, a year younger than Narcissa, stood up like he was about to give a speech. It was closer to a rant of incoherent mumbles that everyone took comical delight in. Narcissa hadn't noticed Helios enter the room until he was taking his seat. Tight black top, dress pants and belt to match. She couldn't see his shoes but they were no doubt black leather and polished. It was alarmingly casual in juxtaposition of her and their guests. Still, he slid into his seat with an air of balance unusual for someone that had apparently been drinking since before lunch.

He looked between the two people next to him sending Narcissa's sister a sly wink and hardly turning his head in Bulstrode's direction. She had turn her whole body, though. Watching patiently as he poured himself a glass of whatever was closest to him, taking a generous swig before finally braving conversation with her.

Bulstrode's words were long and dreadfully boring. They often collided with other topics that she got sidetracked with easily. Helios was still looking ahead at the table, about ready to stab himself in the eye with the fork he was eyeing. A piece of cutlery had probably never been so fascinating for him. He had even briefly turned his head to Bellatrix widening his eyes in blatant disrespect toward the Bulstrode woman. A stretching smirk spread across Narcissa's sisters lips.

It was funny, Narcissa had to admit. And yet, she felt a sliver of sympathy for Bulstrode, who looked so excitable in her conversation with him. It didn't take long for Evan Rosier to grace Helios' side of the table with his presence, grasping the younger Malfoy's shoulders and shaking them in excitement. Pale eyes hinted in irritation pointed down at the table before doing a complete one-eighty looking up at Rosier with a short smile.

"So the prodigal son has returned!" Rosier exclaimed, opening his arms in celebration. Narcissa watched as some of drink flew out over the glass rim, noting that she'd have Dobby do a full clean of the room afterwards. "I always wondered when your arrogant face would be allowed home, hmm?" Helios wasn't even facing in Evan's direction, rather looking around the room in boredom. Pale eyes momentarily caught hers. They were cold and void.

Helios turned his head in the vague area of Evan Rosier with a smile that touched nowhere near his eyes. "I knew you had missed me, Rosier. Try not to blush too much." It was quick, careless even in how it could've been perceived. But Helios had intended it as a joke and Rosier had stumbled at its unexpectedness. Helios kept his gaze, absorbing the older male's every reaction and shift at the words.

Evan Rosier tsked, looking Malfoy the Younger up and down. "I see not even Durmstrang could whip away your vanity and ego." All Helios did was shrug, opening his mouth into his infamous grin. "At least I can say I'm consistent, Ros. If not stubborn."

Evan Rosier slapped him on the back in a friendly manner, conveying that he had lost the battle of wits. "Whatever, Lio. Enjoy your night." Rosier left shortly after that, and Narcissa caught Helios' mutter of I'll certainly try as his glass came to his lips. He had caught Narcissa's focus on him, stopping in his effort to drink and raising his cup in a mocking cheers, smirk still prevalent on his face.

"Enjoying your night, princess?" Narcissa could've sworn a vein in her head had exploded. Helios had felt whatever need to subtly point out her attention on him. Bellatrix didn't even try stifle her laugh, and poor Bulstrode looked left out. "It's much better than being stuck with boredom," she said pointedly. Helios pouted. "Don't speak of my brother like that, darling. You'll hurt his feelings." Narcissa's jaw clenched in frustration, she was sure she could feel her eye twitch.

Helios looked around suddenly before turning to her sister. Bellatrix looked at him expectantly as he spoke privately with her. She scoffed at his words, "who cares," she flicked her hand to enforce her words. Helios released a short chuckle. His eyes crinkled, and Narcissa wondered where the lightness to his demeanour had come from.

Bellatrix and Helios looked like reunited friends in the way they bickered back and forth, exchanging jests, looking around the room and making jokes about the people around them. Their personalities seemed to mirror effortlessly, more alike than they physically appeared.

Bulstrode had made the mistake of leaving her seat. Bellatrix, sensing the opportunity threw her legs across Helios' lap, dragging the empty seat closer to them with her heels. Narcissa gasped. "Bellatrix! Put your legs down, that is extremely improper." Bellatrix looked like it was no big deal, it was evident on her face. "Just relax, Cissy. Come sit next to us, we're actually fun."

It was tempting. Bellatrix and Helios were both looking at her, waiting for her to either move or deny the offer. She would have, but Arelia Greengrass had roped her into conversation not noticing the two across the table. Narcissa heard the breath of air that puffed through Bellatrix's lips in annoyance, and a quiet mutter in the ear of Helios.

In the corner of her eye, Narcissa saw Helios move the chair away from the pair while Bellatrix saw no need to move her legs. She was comfortable. And Helios didn't seem bothered at all. As a matter of fact, his right arm had swung around the back of Bellatrix's chair, holding it stable so she wouldn't lose balance. It was done as a natural reflex, the way a gentleman would cover the corner of the table if a woman was grabbing something from the floor.

Narcissa had missed out on a lot of their conversation. But they never stopped talking to each other. Bellatrix had a permanent grin of delight on her face, and Narcissa was cooly reminded of their mother's words at her wedding. The majority of their guests had slowly filed out with time, more slowly making their leave as the night continued. There was a substantial amount of drunkenness in the air. But, Narcissa couldn't help but think that Helios held his alcohol exceedingly well. Lucius sure couldn't. He had put himself to bed just ten minutes ago.

Even as Narcissa gathered herself to return to her room, Bellatrix still had her legs happily placed on Helios. The younger sister had a sneaking suspicion the gaze Bellatrix held on Helios was not innocent in the slightest.


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