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Quiet night

                  Narcissa decided that she loved visiting the west wing. The way Helios made it function and brought it to life was something extraordinary. He worked in silence with his eyes completely focused on the task in front of him. It was all so complicated, like one needed to be taught how to do the tasks. That it would take years knowing where everything in the room was just to be efficient.

The potions room was only dimly lit. A few candles scattered in the corners while the table in the middle was illuminated a lamp. Helios had his back facing her, casually throwing ingredients into a steaming cauldron. Narcissa was hyper aware of the white singlet he wore and the cotton plaid pants. There was something on his shoulder, white markings maybe. Narcissa couldn't see them clearly from where she stood at the door frame and the low light of the room. If she could just get closer...

"Are you lost, princess?" The low voice of the man in front of her spoke. Helios' body was facing her completely from behind the centre table. The layers of necklaces had caught her attention once again as they rested in the middle of his collar bones, she could see them so clearly now. One was a blue jewel, such a deep blue that it almost seemed to glow. The other was far more dainty and held a silver letter 'R'. What that meant was unknown to her. Narcissa spotted one last one, but it was longer and tucked under his singlet. Had she been looking too long?

"Or maybe you can't sleep?" Helios guessed at her silence, this time with a raise brow. She had taken his words as an invitation into the room, carefully stepping to the centre table, cautious not to touch anything. "Would you like me to keep guessing? I do enjoy games."

Narcissa couldn't help the huff of air leave her nostrils, finding his words strangely humorous. "What are you making?" Helios kept his gaze on her while she looked at the cauldron next to him. He must've been aware of the topic change. It wasn't subtle in the slightest, Narcissa had to admit, but she would rather avoid the problem for the moment.

"Draught of Peace... sleeping isn't something I'm particularly good at." Narcissa hummed to herself while thoughts swirled around her. "It seems we're in the same boat then." Helios acknowledged her words, peering at her deeply.

"Don't you dare think to use legilimency on me, Helios." He laughed at her words. It was small, soft, light. It ended quicker than she expected, but Helios was still looking at her. "I would never, princess. Your face gives your thoughts away anyway."

An idea sprouted in her mind. "Would you teach me occlumency?" Narcissa could see how this had made him ponder. His head moved to briefly check on the potions progress before he shrugged at her. "I suppose I could, but it's not exactly an enjoyable thing to teach or learn." Her head tilted quizzically. "They're both quite intrusive, rather intense and close to torture." Narcissa straightened her posture, raising her gaze to his. "I still want to learn."

"Alright, princess, I'll teach you." Narcissa felt a sense of victory as Helios turned away to tend to the potion. This would give her something to do and practice. It was a rare skill that would keep a part of her safe. It would surely come in handy. "When will we start? Or how often can we practice?"

"Whenever you want," Helios responded while sorting the finished product into vials and leaving them to settle. "I'll be relatively cooped up around the west wing for a while with work so just make your way over when you're up for it." She nodded, suspecting he couldn't see it but taking her lack of words as understanding.

"Why are you helping me?—like, why did you agree?" Narcissa had realised the agreeable nature of Helios. It had been a clear-cut change from dinner, where he came across softer in the later hours. Helios was more relaxed and slightly less stressed from his day despite the lack of sleep he seemed to be accumulating.

"I'm a dickhead, princess, but I'm not heartless," Helios chuckled. "Teaching you will strengthen me and it'll give me a break from all the bland work I have to do."

There was a pause of silence following his words where Narcissa gave herself the opportunity to scan the room once more. "Your father doesn't like me being in the west wing," she noted. Narcissa wanted to grasp Helios' reaction to her words, but all he did was smile thinly.

"He does do that occasionally," Helios mused. Narcissa couldn't appreciate the vagueness of that sentence. "If you didn't know, it's his form of testing someone's character. The mighty Abraxas Malfoy tells someone not to do something and if they have the nerve or ambition, they'll do it. If they listen and follow his command, they're likely not worth his time." That sentence had given her a lot to think about.

It was bizarre the way Helios spoke of his father. Yes, he often referred to the notorious man with a respect his character demanded, but he also spoke of him as though he knew him on a friend basis rather the strict father-son relationship that the man shared with Lucius. Narcissa couldn't tell if that meant the father and son were close or as distant as they physically were during Helios' schooling.

"You're in a chatty mood tonight," Helios noted. He was midway through labelling the vials with the name and date. "You're in a rather sharing mood yourself," Narcissa replied instantly. She could see a warm sparkle in his eye at her answer like he had felt a glimmer of joy from it. "I am aren't I?" It was less of a question than it was recognition for his behaviour. "But, you're using it as a distraction for yourself."

Those words had almost sent a shiver down her spine. Was she so easy to read? The Lucius problem was what had first pushed her in the direction of the west wing, stumbling upon an agreeable Helios was just coincidence. "No, I'm not," Narcissa denied fully.

Helios turned again to face her. Leaving the vials and focusing on her intently, just staring at her. "Hmm." She felt herself grow smaller as Helios took in everything about her. He was so attractive in this light. "You're an awful liar." Narcissa had opened her mouth for rebuttal, but found a vial being handed to her. It was a dose of the Draught of Peace he had just made. "I won't force you to talk or admit anything, it's none of my business unless you want it to be, but make sure you get some rest with this," he nodded towards the outstretched vial.

Narcissa took it hesitantly. She was more so overwhelmed at what he'd said than the offering. There was no jab or chide to get a reaction out of her. No joking at her expense. It was now, while face-to-face, that Narcissa could see how hallow Helios' eyes had become. Sleep was truly something he struggled with.

"Why are you so tired," she had whispered on impulse, taking her hand and reaching out at the curve of his jaw. Helios hasn't allowed the contact, stepping back immediately at her action. Narcissa had become painfully aware of the table that separated them now. Like it had grown and was still increasing the distance between them. She had just embarrassed herself, making an action that wasn't proper of her. She could feel magic pulse around her and Narcissa's eyes immediately fell to the peculiar white scarring that littered his shoulder and seemingly stretched toward his chest.

"I think we should both be going to bed."

Helios had been so strategic in revealing small portions of himself to her. It kept Narcissa on a hook, reeling her back at each sighting of the young man. Addictive would be a good word for it, how she felt around Helios and everything that he knew. Though younger than both his brother and herself, he seemed to hold more life experience than the both of them. More ranged in everything Narcissa thought she knew. It terrified yet excited her.

Narcissa laid alone that night, the vial of the Draught of Peace still sitting full on her bedside table.

v.t facts;
- Helios definitely knows exactly what Narcissa thinks of him. He's incredibly perceptive and intelligent. The goal is to never underestimate him.

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